@realDonaldTrump @FDA @FDArecalls @FDA_Drug_Info @TwitterMoments @Twitter so this #Hydroxycholoroquine, recall, I don't know how they could say its "unlikely to be effective" when there are numerous studies showing otherwise. https://twitter.com/TwitterMoments/status/1272578311097548802?s=19
Now think for a second, you didn't hear a whole lot of #COVID19 from areas that have a huge number in malaria, why? Do they not use such drugs as #Hydroxychloroquine to treat it? As well as other drugs? We know they aren't making money off of hydroxy, which makes them mad.
@OANN May 7th 2020, a real news network, even reported on this #plandemic and called out good ole #GeorgeSoros and the #DeepStateCabal for trying to scrub #Hydroxycholoroquine and promote #Remdesivir a outrageously expensive drug.
Then come to find out that even hospitals are getting paid more to label the "cause of Deaths as being related to the #WuhanCoronavirus. Why would they do that? To promote #fear and #panic luckily a lot of people are seeing through this.

Then in another link #Hydroxychloroquine number of prescriptions Explode in France. Even the French are using the drug that they don't want you using or talking about. Hence why they usually scrub any mentions of said drug. "Worldwide"

Then another link showing Microsoft founder @BillGates should be charged with "crimes against humanity" which was a 7 minute speech given by Sara Crunial. How is a computer geek in charge of vaccines? Weird🤔

So yes #FDA @realDonaldTrump #Hydroxychloroquine does in fact work according to many studies thus leaving your proposal of it being "ineffective" complete and utter garbage. #DarkToLight #TheMoreYouKnow #COVID19 #coronavirus #WakeUpAmerica #WakeUp #WuhanCoronavirus
Then of course to those who survived using #Hydroxychloroquine @Facebook #censorship decides to label their experiences as false or fake.
And the doctors on the frontlines actually treating these patients are being censored and said to be fake by @Facebook
So bottom line, They all know, especially the fake @FDA knows there are studies worldwide on #HCQcocktail as being positive they only censor them in order to push another agenda, isn't that right @BillGates news flash #GodWins #GodBlessAmerica #TheMoreYouKnow
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