In advocating for Matthew Rushin’s freedom, I have all this information from trial and all these fingerprints Matthew left to deconstruct. With Osime Brown, he was pulled from his mother— kidnapped— by social services as a teen then arrested under the joint enterprise law (Cont)
Which means guilt by association. Osime was in a group home and he tried to stop a theft of a cell phone by two older boys. He wasn’t tried for two more years, stuck in the system, then sentenced to 5. So, there are no social media profiles, no selfies, no family pictures (Cont)
Because he’s been kept from his family that whole time, denied the right to participate in his own life. Denied access to the things teens and young adults have. We have one semi-recent picture. But he’s in critical condition and has suffered so much trauma.
He’s coughing up blood for three weeks, has already had two major heart surgeries. He’s suffering more than maybe any person I’ve ever heard of. His mom is so beautiful and loving. She is always awake. Always crying for her son. Osime matters.
He needs all our help. I don’t know what else to do, but maybe you do. For Matthew, people have made videos, written songs, made art, hosted webinars, made a giant sand art display so large it can only be appreciated from a plane or drone. You’re a creative community. (Cont)
Please do anything you can think of to help. His life is in the balance. He’s injured, has heart failure, and severe trauma. We need him to be home where he can be loved and receive the healthcare and trauma care he needs to survive. @FreeOsimeBrown
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