You must understand nothing can happen in real life that will change the minds of Trump’s base.

He uses the words they learned from Rush & Fox for years. He believes the same conspiracy theories that got them banned from Thanksgiving

No one has EVER validated them like this.
They’ve spent years being told this stuff is stupid & crazy & dangerous, but even their own Republican politicians carefully didn’t validate the worst of it, which was confusing because it was conservative media so adamant preaching it was IMPORTANT & TRUE & the SKY was FALLING
Trump’s people loyally voted Republican for years, listened to Rush & Beck & Jones & Hannity, but no one was DOING anything about the satanic pedophile gay frog antichrist deep state.

No one in actual government was even TALKING about it. The cognitive dissonance HURT.
Cognitive dissonance actually does cause pain

Why would everyone I trust in rightwing media tell me these dramatic, terrible things are happening & will be fixed if I vote GOP, but no one actually in power ever ends the horror or even mentions it?

This is mentally traumatic
What’s more traumatic is trying to explain to friends & family that these monstrous events you have been convinced are absolutely real must be stopped & being told that you’re wrong & dumb for believing it & cant you just give it a rest for a night, Kevin, it’s Christmas
But then Trump arrives.

And he says the keywords you’ve been searching since Netscape was a thing. He tweets about the stuff you’ve been tweeting about. He calls Alex Jones in the middle of the night.

You’re not dumb & crazy, you’re RIGHT. The fucking PRESIDENT speaks your code
All anyone wants on this sad green ball is to be validated & valued. Paid attention to

We do DARK things to get that charge, that warmth

Trump gives it to them by the bag. He heals the painful dissonance they suffered with

Nothing you can EVER say will be worth giving that up.
Nothing that can ever happen in the real world will be worth losing that validation, either.

Does he seem to embody everything those conspiracy theories warned against?

Well, if seeing that means going back to being ignored & in mental dissonance jail, NOPE.

They won’t have it
The more we try to tell them Trump is dumb & crazy & dangerous, the more they just hear their nieces & cousins & brothers saying that to them & the more closely they identify with Trump.

Family is where core validation is supposed to come from. So he’s their family now.
There is nothing you or I or anyone can offer that begins to compare with having someone in authority validate you personally for your very weirdest & most secret beliefs.

And he does it while talking unfancy, screwing models, & shitting on a golden toilet.

He’s the dream
In conclusion, they’re never going to wear a mask, because that would mean Trump, and they, were wrong, and that’s a ticket back to the bad old world of constant mental pain & isolation, so they will literally shoot you rather than risk that.

And they’re not voting Biden, either
Some are convincable, some can change with the reality around them.

But not the base. The drug Trump manufactures and supplies is too intense and too sweet. They couldn’t get it anywhere else & they need it to keep going.

Trump’s corner is Pennsylvania Avenue & his shit is pure
Please remember this thread next week when you can’t believe anyone could hear Biden & Trump’s speeches & not choose Biden.

They never listened to Biden. Trump speaks directly to them, to the horrors in their frightened hearts. It’s not about policy, it’s just about belonging.
When he speaks, they hear:

You will be the ones hurting, not the ones being hurt. People who get hurt don’t matter. When you were hurt, they didn’t think it mattered. I make you matter.

That the hurt they felt was done to them by this very party is not something they can face.
That Democrats did & do think they matter (often to the frustration of the rest of the party), have helped & want to help is not something that can hear because Democrats talk about healthcare & never once the deep state cannibal microchip rituals so they CAN’T be good like Trump
If you made it all the way down here you probably want a solution

Look, I don’t know, regulate the fucking news media in this country & stop letting these networks & stations hurt people. Make them announce its time for the Crazy New Weird Fiction Hour with Sean Hannity

The end
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