If we are working towards being anti-racist humans, we have some work to do. Kindness & most SEL programs fail to address the sociopolitical context of our world. If we are going to create belonging—we can’t do that without addressing where we are now & how we’ve gotten here. 1/6
So—we have to be accountable to ourselves & ask every day, what did I do today to dismantle and disrupt systems of oppression and injustice? How did I use my power, privilege and positionality to TEACH & do the work? Yes—DAILY!!! #NoDaysOff #DoTheWork 2/6
“The harm done by long-term exposure to injustice—to the kind of imagery found in racist books, microaggressions & discrimination—calls for more than a simple understanding of kindness.”
via @Tolerance_org

https://www.tolerance.org/magazine/fall-2019/teaching-kindness-isnt-enough 3/6
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