I really don't get the fuss made by places as "Birthplace of [famous person]". I mean, if they actually grew up there & referenced the place as being influential on their work, fair enough, but that would be "Home of [famous person]".
Birthplace is kind of... nebulous? and weirdly exploitative? You might be born somewhere & never ever go there again, but if you happen to do something famous, that place is suddenly "Oh yeah we're awesome, we produced [famous person], give us money."
Or that's how it seems to me
And, maybe it's also my own experience influencing this as well, because if I ever get famous, you know where'll be claiming credit as my birthplace?

And, if I'd grown up there, fair enough, but we moved away when I was 6. I grew up in the Marches of North Wales.

The only tangible thing Knowsley gave me is an amusing anecdote about not knowing there were more than 2 football teams.
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