1) Not only is this false, it is exactly the reason we need to restore the pledge of allegiance to its original form. “Under god” was added to the pledge in 1954 at the height of McCarthyism and continues to be weaponized as a litmus test that conflates faith and patriotism. https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/1297132096448864258
2) Our Divider-in-Chief who dodged the draft and gassed peaceful protesters has no clue what patriotism means. Dissent is patriotic. Protest is patriotic. Serving your country is patriotic. Paying taxes even when you are undocumented is patriotic.
3) When Trump attacked Colin Kaepernick for kneeling during the national anthem (aka patriotically exercising his constitutional right to free speech), he invoked “In God We Trust.” Christian nationalism and white supremacy go hand in hand.
3) The words “under god” were inserted between “one nation” and “indivisible.” This was intentional—it was meant to divide, not to unite. To cast not the just those of faith, but culturally dominant white Christians, as the standard bearers in what it means to be an American.
4) “In god we trust” became the national motto in 1956. The original? E Pluribus Unum—“out of many, one.” The secular community’s concerns about these issues have largely been dismissed, mischaracterized as anti-religious or whining about “ceremonial” symbols.
5) But our symbols matter. They define our national character and values. Until we restore our original pledge and original national motto, we will continue to play into this GOP-driven narrative. This has nothing to do with patriotism, this is about white Christian supremacy.
6) Remember—Trump invoked “In god we trust” at his State of the Union address when he attacked Colin Kaepernick for kneeling during the national anthem. This is because Christian nationalism and white supremacy go hand in hand.
7) Democrats do not need to prove that we are the party of patriots. We are the party protecting the right to vote. We are the party standing up for the right to protest peacefully. We are the party that impeached Trump because he solicited foreign interference in our election.
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