Last night I dreamed I did a Bill and Ted, and was explaining #COVID19 (and twitter) to Former Surgeon General C. Everett Koop:

Him: You mean you can’t just tell everyone, I’m the Surgeon General, and this is the science, and they do what you say?!

Me: 🤷🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️
Koop: Here’s what you do- give Dan Rather a call and tell him you want to do an interview on the evening news. Everyone watches the evening news- you’ll be able to speak to and convince at least 2/3rds of the country with that...

Me: 👇🏽
Koop: Well is Tony Fauci still around?

Me: yes, thank goodness. I love him dearly and we talk a lot. He looks the same, but he can’t throw a baseball like he used to...
Koop: I’m sure glad we didn’t have the Twitter back in my day. Just keep giving the American people the best information you can. And remind them science changes. If only we knew as much about HIV back in my day as you do now!
As the kids say, may the force be with you!
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