A false 🚫 tradeoff and faustian bargain on a species level scale.

This is a complex topic we didn't get time to discuss in any depth in the podcast. But we really shouldn't be framing it as a trade off between safety and privacy.

0/27: Thread 👇 https://twitter.com/bigidsecure/status/1296916204829933569
1/27: We need to have effective, privacy preserving and globally standardised digital contact tracing.

This is an outcome 🎯 we need to collectively design for.

I believe this is pivotal to recognise...
2/27: Not just for this pandemic🦠, but also for the ones we will have to face again as a species. Over and over. Although eradicating zoonotic 🧬viruses is another complex topic I won't touch on in this thread.

But let's keep going...
3/27: There are 3 interrelated sets of problems to solve.

1️⃣⚙️🛠🔐 standardised privacy preserving protocols that all contact tracing apps build on

2️⃣✅📱📈 trustworthiness and widespread adoption

3️⃣🤝🔄🌏 public and private sector collaboration and coordination at scale
4/27: ⚙️🛠🔐 This is partly solved. Privacy preserving protocols like DP-3T are solid and can be built upon. This is the baseline and a dependency on solving problems in categories 2️⃣✅📱📈 and 3️⃣🤝🔄🌏 https://github.com/DP-3T/documents 
5/27: ⚙️🛠🔐 If everyone is using different protocols this is wasted effort and setting us up for failure. Be they open/closed centralised/decentralised. If we choose we should choose the privacy preserving options.
6/27: ⚙️🛠🔐 this is very related to problem area 2️⃣✅📱📈> addressing privacy concerns and countering the low levels of trust people have when it comes to data collection and use. 'Optimal' adoption is unlikely to be achieved without trust.
7/27: While 📱📈 adoption rates as low as 15% can still can still reduce the spread, it is a low bar. We can do better, together. Which is related to problems set 3️⃣🤝🔄🌏. But I'll get to that soon...
8/27: Opening up borders and economies needs to happen. We need medium to longer term solutions factored in. To deal with this and other pandemics effectively we need globally standardised protocols ⚙️🛠🔐.
9/27: ✅📱📈 Trust in the data practices of governments and businesses is at an all time low. But having a privacy preserving protocol is only part of it...
10/27: ✅📱📈 No private or public institution is seen as both competent and ethical. They are in effect, untrustworthy.

See some of the work from Edelman if you want to explore this. https://www.edelman.com/trustbarometer 
11/27: ✅📱📈 When it comes to data trust, trust in the data collection and use practices, this is much the same. A critical area to factor in with digital contact tracing deployments.
12/27: ✅📱📈 Governments have been spying on citizens irrespective of a pandemic. Generally under the guise of terrorism, "protecting the children", criminal fraud etc.

Always some boogieman narrative to accept a faustian bargain.
13/27: ✅📱📈 While cell tower triangulation may be an effective remedy for authoritarian regimes and overly paternalistic democracies it won't scale. It exacerbates the distrust people already have and further normalises surveillance.
14/27: ✅📱📈 Businesses and governments need to put ethics, particularly the agency of people at the foundation of any position. No bullshit, no repeating of tradeoff myths. Just genuine care for people and their wellbeing.
15/27: ✅📱📈 The UX of these apps and devices is more than just ease of use. Even with a privacy preserving approach disclosures (e.g. privacy notices and terms of use) need to be better.
16/27: ✅📱📈 These disclosures are a proxy for trustworthiness. Making it clear and easy to comprehend the why, what, how, where and who of data collection and processing is crucial.

Now problem set 3️⃣🤝🔄🌏.
17/27: 🤝🔄🌏 The technical ⚙️🛠🔐 systems problems are relatively lower in difficulty to deal with than getting humans to come to consensus. It is easy in comparison. Computers don't have feelings, agendas and ideological perspectives.
18/27: 🤝🔄🌏 Consensus at smaller scales in humans does have it's challenges. Like getting people to agree on what movie to watch or who a family should vote for is sometimes challenging. But it is a scale relative problem...
19/27: 🤝🔄🌏 It's very hard to get governments and businesses across jurisdictions all working in unison. Add to it getting people in less authoritarian countries to trust and adopt the tech ✅📱📈.
20/27: 🤝🔄🌏 Getting leaders at global and (supra)national scales to come to consensus is challenging. Particularly with all the bureaucratic bullshit, let alone the ego's, narcissism, perverse incentives and at times psychopathy muddying the plot.
21/17: 🤝🔄🌏 Problems with human collaboration and coordination at scale are some of the hardest problems to solve. Particularly when optimising for human agency and viewing it thru a fractal lens.
22/17: 🤝🔄🌏 While this is easily seen as idealistic it's an ideal we should recognise is impossible to achieve. But should still be damn well aiming for it. It seems like a mostly fruitless exercise if we don't.
23/27: 🤝🔄🌏 I'm very skeptical of top down approaches. We need participatory design factored into any approaches. For a business looking to get people back into the physical space in which they work or opening up borders.
24/27: 🤝🔄🌏 This pandemic has created more grass-roots momentum. Many people don't want to go back to fucking "normal". It sucked on soo many levels. The predominant methods of status quo leaders got us into this mess. We need different approaches to large scale participation.
26/27: I do believe however that the intentions 🧠💓 of many people attending things like Davos are good. It's mainly the execution that sucks. That's another complex topic in itself. @nathankinch has a few reference points for this one.
27/27: As with many of the threats 🧬🦠🌱⛈💸📉🤖⚖️🗳we face as a species getting people learning, thinking, designing, engineering, being, and making better, together, is a problem worth solving.

The time to do it is now.
@VTeagueAus @mikarv @normonics would love to get your perspective on this 🙏
I've appreciated your perspective on these things Mark. Anything you'd counter or add? @mpesce
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