In woke land a man can become a woman, but a white person could never turn into a black person.

Ever wonder why?

Identity politics are HUGE for the woke, so understanding how they think race and gender is very important.

Wokies, Race, and Gender;

A Thread 🧵
The woke think "identities" (gay, straight, black, white, etc) are socially constructs: concepts that are products of human definition and interpretation shaped by cultural and historical contexts. This can be confusing, so let's see how it works using gender as an example
Most of us think that as a matter of simple biology:

1. Healthy Men have penises, testicles, male gonads and make sperm
2. Healthy Women have wombs, vaginas, female gonads and make eggs
3. Most Men are bigger and stronger than women

This is NOT what the woke think...
The woke think "man" and "woman" are SOCIAL terms referring to PURELY social roles enforced by social rules. These terms are, in woke land, divorced from any biological reality. For them, being a man or a woman is about how one is "socially located", and NOT about biology.
In the minds of the woke, talking about a "biological man" is a bit like talking about a "biological police officer" or a "biological Mayor." Because, like mayors and cops, being a man or a woman is about social role...not biology.
In fact, the woke are so opposed to talking about men and women in terms of biology that they have began to call women "those who have vaginas" or "Menstruators."
That is how far they are willing to go to sperate the ideas of men and women from biology.
This view of gender comes out of what is called "queer theory." As we will see, what queer theory does with identity related to sex and gender is exactly the opposite of what Critical Race Theory does with identity related to race.
Queer theory says gender roles were created in society by straight men to get women to behave in ways that allow straight men to keep all the power. Queer theorists think gender roles are social and psychological prisons, a form of control keeping people from being truly free
The Queer Theorists say the answer is to "deconstruct" the categories of sex, gender, and sexuality by arguing that the terms are absurd, meaningless, ridiculous, out of date, or needless so that they stop being used to oppress people and hold them down. In other words...
The queer theorists want to make the categories of sex and gender to be so fluid and unstable that anyone can be anything and it doesn't matter. That way nobody is forced to be something they want to be because of whatever genitals they happen to have...
This explains why a person can be Transgender. As gender is theorized as a system of control and oppresion, switching genders is viewed as a way to liberate oneself from an oppresive gender system by refusing to accept the gender assigned on the basis of ones genitals.
So as you can see, transgenderism fits perfectly with how identity is viewed by the woke as they get it from Queer theory.

So that is how gender is theorized by the woke.

Race is an entirely different matter.
First, Critical Race Theorists do agree with the gender theorists about social construction. They think that Race is a social construct just like gender is. What is different is is how they think about the social construction of race.
It's complicated, so lets break it down.
Critical Race Theory say the concepts of "the white race" and "the black race" were created by europeans to justify the slavery. It's more complex then that, but it is true that europeans did use early (now discredited) race science as a justification for the slavery.
Slavery was a tremendous evil, and it was justified at least in part using the concepts of "the black race" and "the white race." Even after slavery was abolished, the concepts were used to justify a number of evils, from lynchings to Jim Crow to school segregation...
So people following in the footsteps of leaders like Martin Luther King began to chip away at the social significance of race. They said people should not discriminate based on race because doing so unfair, and because the concept of race was scientifically outdated....
Critical Race Theory did not want race to lose its social significance. The question is why?

The answer is that Critical Race Theory does not believe that it is possible to completely take the social significance out of race and get rid of racism.
Critical Race Theory says that racism is a regular, ordinary, and permanent part of life, so Critical Race Theorists take the most cynical view of race possible and conclude it is not even possible to eradicate racism. So what do they do if they think racism is permanent?
19/Critical Race Theory, argues whiteness AS AN IDENTITY is an inherently oppressive identity. Blackness however, is an identity that is formed resistance to oppression. Noel Ignatiev explains it here, saying the quiet part out loud.
The Critical Race Theory also says it is impossible for a white person to avoid having at least some racist thinking. They think all white people are socialized to be racist and that it is impossible for white people to avoid this. Robin Diangelo makes the point:
So, Critical Race Theory says because we can't abolish racism (it's not possible) we instead have accept the race categories and use them to do identity politics. The way that is done is to say that EVERY variation of skin color comes with a political identity...
So every race (black, asian, light brown, dark brown, olive skinned, etc) should take up radical identity politics based on the racial power dynamics allegedly established, enforced, and maintained by Whiteness. This means doing race politics in ever area possible...
Now, the Critical Race Theorists acknowledge that not every person of every skin color is involved in politics. They have two responses to this:
The first is to radicalize as many people from every race as they can into radical identity politics....
The second thing is to say what Nikole Hannah Jones said on twitter before she deleted her tweet in shame. Namely that there is a difference between being racially black (having black skin) and being politically black (adopting radical identity politics)
25/ Now, one might think that one can be politically black without being racially black. It appears here that one might be able to be racially white while still being politically black. That is not correct. Critical Race Theorists think that's impossible because...
Critical Race Theory says non-white races, due to the oppression they experience BECAUSE OF THEIR SKIN COLOR, have:

1. Knowledge of the experience of oppression and
2. Access to traditional knowledges (yes plural) that are not recognized by "whiteness."
And it is, according to Critical Race Theory, not possible knowledge of what it is like to grow up being black in America unless you have black skin. Thus, if one who grows up white tries to "become black" they can't because they lack the EXPRIENCE of blackness to do so...
Even if a white person wanted to become black, they could not. Why? Because Critical Race Theory says people with black skin have knowledge of oppressions by virtue of how people with black skin are treated and if you don't have black skin you can't have that knowledge...
And without that you can't be politically black because political blackness is based on having a first person experience of oppresion.
For the woke, a white person claiming to be black is like a person who never served in the army claiming to have won a medal of honor.
Loving and supporting the military is not the same is charging into battle and experiencing the victory. And you can like black people as much as you want and that's not the same as being black.

So, lets bring this to a close.....
As we have seen, queer theorists think gender is socially constructed and conclude they must destroy the concept of gender by attacking it, thus liberating themselves from the constraints created by the gender roles imposed by society. Being transgender is one way to do that
Critical Race Theory sees identity is socially constructed, but concludes we must keep the racial categories so we can do identity politics. And as the experience of having black skin is central to Identity politics in Critical Race Theory, a white person can't "become black"
While both Queer Theory and Critical Race Theory see identity as being socially constructed, the way they theorize their identities leads them to nearly opposite conclusions.
And this is why the woke think men can become women, but white people can't become black.

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