I'm at the anti-fash march in Tujunga organized by @AbraFoothills tense scene already
I would say this shit is absolutely gonna pop off at some point
Cops came ready to do some violence
These look like some very fine people huh?
Another Very Fine Person(TM). Right before this he called a woman a c*nt which makes the second Trump supporter in less than a week I heard do that
This guy is spraying us with something he claims is infected with Covid
First fight I saw, Trumper sprayed pepper spray
LAPD attacked the BLM side after the Trumper shot pepper spray. Worth noting that they did not intervene when the guy was spraying the supposed Covid bottle on us
LAPD just attacked BLM side again for no discernible reason, Trumpers cheer
This is incredible to see. LAPD is literally policing *only* the BLM side
Just heard an LAPD officer say on the radio they’re planning to push us East, “we do not want them going South”
Now they’re preparing to move in from the East though, so idk
Trumpers seem to be clearing out at the request of the cops. Absolutely no police violence against the Trumpers this whole time, tons against BLM
Well this is over, that was quick. Organizers are encouraging people to head to a protest rn in Pasadena for Anthony McClane at the Pasadena Police Station
This has to be performance art right?
Seriously there’s like ten cops for every remaining protester and they are very serious about not letting anyone drink water in the Albertsons parking lot
....aaaaaand here's some Trump supporters just chillin about 30 feet from the police line. Cops are not bothering them, of course
I guess when I uploaded the pepper spray video earlier I didn't get the part with the actual pepper spray, oops. Here it is. Clearly not self-defense. You don't get to pepper spray people just because they're yelling at you. But of course the cops don't care when a chud does it
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