Allies can be so helpful in helping with LGBTQ+ people's struggles and we appreciate you, but not everyone knows how to be a good ally. I want to share some things that have been said to me by close friends over the course of my life. I guarantee everyone has stories like mine
This isn't meant to call anyone out but to educate and stress that if you call yourself an ally you're not exempt from making mistakes, do your best to learn from them if they happen and be better.
"I love you so much, it makes me really sad you're not going to be in heaven with me"
"you can finally say that, like a real girl"
"sorry you can't come in here we're having girl talk"
This one hits close to home as an athlete and is just so wrong "she's only so good because she used to be a boy"
Pre-transition "can't you just be like a feminine guy?" Lol no.
The list goes on. If this is what well meaning friends have said, without realizing it. You can only imagine what trans people might hear from strangers or internet trolls. The fact that you're a friend hurts them more too. Just some Friday food for thought.
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