Well! That was quite the 24-ish hours. We don’t quite know the full ramifications it all yet but it feels important to remember and document everything.

So… a thread:
7pm on 20 August: The Irish Examiner published the story and @aoifegracemoore tweets it out. In my version, she hit send while taking a big gulp of red wine like Olivia in Scandal (before she went bad). https://twitter.com/aoifegracemoore/status/1296508121452613636
By 8.40pm, political reporters and correspondents are being texted then-Minister Dara Calleary’s apology.
The anger was building and building… Bosco got involved

This didn't feel like a Leinster House bubble story. https://twitter.com/boscosbox/status/1296546972854358018
The story led #RTEpt but we weren’t quite aware yet just how big it was going to be. Although there was already an acknowledgement by @MiriamOCal of how important the journalism was to bring this story to light.
At 10.20pm, @Independent_ie sent a news alert to confirm broadcaster Sean O’Rourke and EU Commissioner Phil Hogan were also at the event. https://twitter.com/oconnellhugh/status/1296557546099048448
Another apology before 11pm with Senator Jerry Buttimer getting in before the rush ... https://twitter.com/jerrybuttimer/status/1296567416001105924?s=09
2am-ish: I guess some people went to bed around now...
We woke up to Rising Time and the news that Dara Calleary would be on Morning Ireland and other breakfast shows.

But alas… the programme wasn’t even 37-minutes-old when that plan was in the bin.

That only means one thing. https://twitter.com/morningireland/status/1296697680853381121
Within 20 minutes, Calleary was gone.
The apology didn't cut it though... so another resignation: Jerry Buttimer as leas-chathaoirleach of the Seanad https://twitter.com/jerrybuttimer/status/1296733463664525312
Just after 10am, in time-honoured tradition, the ex-minister Dara Calleary went on local radio - the Tommy Marren Show here if you wanna listen back. I'm not sure why you'd want to do that, but each to their own.

Meanwhile, on @TodayRadioRTE Sarach Mc invites her predecessor SOR on the show to answer questions about the event he attended.

The nation gasps, tbh.
People start looking forward to Liveline, but first, Phil Hogan pokes the bear again. He issues tweets, doesn’t apologise:

Sorry is the hardest word, etc. https://twitter.com/PhilHoganEU/status/1296748599934685184
I’m already tired of this thread… but hang in with me. I’m too far in to stop now.
Actually, that’s a good place to remember this brilliant moment from SMI https://twitter.com/PeterBranigan/status/1296748322716360704
Fine Gael had been fierce quiet but then a seemingly co-ordinated release of tweets from Varadkar and Harris. The FGers at the dinner lost the party whip. https://twitter.com/LeoVaradkar/status/1296759178359443458
Yes, the initial statement included an unfortunate typo (probably the most common one known to man/editor) https://twitter.com/gcooney93/status/1296770910607806466
Unsurprisingly, opposition leaders start to call for the Dáil to return.

(Spoiler: This is later refused) https://twitter.com/MaryLouMcDonald/status/1296767963681480705?s=20
Oh, by the way, it’s already been confirmed at this stage that Michael Martin will be Agriculture Minister for the next three weeks (until Dáil does resume and he finds someone from his benches who could last longer than Lent).

Damn, I'm out of tweets. TBC
Next: the Irish Hotel Federation double down a bit. https://www.thejournal.ie/irish-hotels-federation-golf-gate-5181902-Aug2020/
Then Liveline with @KatieGHannon begins. And while we knew about the anger, callers rationally and reasonably explained that anger in what was one of the most powerful pieces of radio this country has heard.
In place of manufactured outrage were stories, all different but with a dark thread in common, of love and loss which resonated with every listener.
A man, distraught, said he has no closure over his mam’s death because they couldn’t be with her or hold a funeral. https://twitter.com/michellehtweet/status/1296793839194320896
The vision of two sisters sitting in a car talking after seeing their brother like this. https://twitter.com/SineadOCarroll/status/1296800801004937218
A mother-of-the-bride and a bride talked of missed dates, deposit losses and changing dreams.

They don't complain. They know they did the right thing.
A man in Kildare talked about how isolating lockdown is for his son with special needs without trips to Dublin Airport and his swimming pool https://twitter.com/FionaKenny1/status/1296805713709334532
Donal sums up the importance of the show here: https://twitter.com/fallon_donal/status/1296865368800100353
As does Louise here: https://twitter.com/louisemcsharry/status/1296803434356760581
Getting the mood of the nation, @NickyRyan_ sent a @thejournal_ie newsletter with the subject line: “The absolute state of them”

(You should sign up if you haven't already) https://twitter.com/BiddyEarly/status/1296819985394937856
In a little-used Twitter account, Sean O’Rourke offered no defence, but a full apology for attending the event https://twitter.com/OrourkeseanSean/status/1296817103182471169
There was a little breather in the middle of the afternoon where there were no apologies or resignations … but all newsrooms were gearing up for the LOKdown announcement.

Poor Kildare.
In true form, Leo Varadkar got the jump on the official announcement - that Kildare would be kept locked down while Laois and Offaly were (relatively) freed https://twitter.com/LeoVaradkar/status/1296833098202722304
👀The briefing about that LOKdown was called for 4.45pm. Just Donnelly and Glynn - no Taoiseach or Tánaiste. 👀
Obviously, it was not exactly uneventful. Rundown here from @michellehtweet - who is off on her holidays now. What will she be returning to? https://twitter.com/michellehtweet/status/1296836421932724226
Let's pick out that bit of controversy from the briefing as an advisor tries to stop @pthosford from asking a question https://twitter.com/caulmick/status/1296856748486254592
Where am I? Right about 5.30pm. We get word Micheál Martin is going to be on the Six One with @CaitrionaPerry. Yep, the same one that presented @MorningIreland - but we don’t operate time anymore, remember?
While in Montrose, MM called on Phil Hogan to apologise properly. God, being told to apologise properly is very Irish isn’t it?

"Sorry, Seán."
Meanwhile, Ceann Comhairle Seán Ó Fearghaíl said the Oireachats Golf Society should be wound up “as a matter of urgency”.

Because they can’t have nice things.

Something in this will be a great pub quiz question some day. https://www.thejournal.ie/oireachtas-golf-society-5182452-Aug2020/
^That’s the most-read piece on the Irish Times. Which is fascinating, but also, of course it is. 🙌
I genuinely can’t remember a story producing such palpable anger from the whole country.

Not even during the recession.

Irish Water was more divisive - this is almost cohesive.
My theory for why: We can’t be angry at a virus. It exists solely to cause spread devastation. It knows no better. So when it takes our freedom and our loved ones, we have to use our logic and sacrifice to survive.
But when people who know better put that survival in jeopardy/make a mockery of that sacrifice, we can unleash the anger we - of course - have for the virus and point it at them.

And that’s without bringing in the systemic issues which are making this so much harder to fight.
In some ways today could have been much more divisive than it was. Maybe that’s to our credit as a country - the ordinary people of this country, not the ruling class.
Also, a shoutout to some of the incredible journalism by so many newsrooms - online, print and broadcast.

If you can, please consider a subscription or contribution to the outlets you use.

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