LGBTQ+ youth who experience family rejecting behaviors are: 8x more likely to attempt suicide, 6x more likely to experience severe depression, 3.5x more likely to use substances.

[Thread on ways educators can help]
The pandemic has exposed many LGBTQ+ youth to trauma from sheltering with rejecting families. Forcing many back into the “closet.” And cutting them off from supportive relationships with peers and teachers.
Educators can be a lifeline especially during distance learning. Here are things educators can do:

1. Make it known you are an ally to LGBTQ+ people

2. Normalize sharing pronouns

3. Use the name & pronouns that corresponds w/ the student’s gender identity
3. Take precautions when connecting w/ LGBTQ+ youth virtually (they may be using a shared device or learning w/ rejecting family members in the room)

4. Sponsor a GSA or connect them with virtual staff-monitored LGBTQ+ youth social support groups like: 
5. Learn about family accepting & family rejecting behaviors & their impact at the Family Acceptance Project: 

6. Share Crisis Supports like the Trevor Project LGBTQ+ Youth Suicide Hotline 1-866-488-7386 
9. Advocate for LGBTQ+ inclusive policies & practices in your school and district

10. This is by no means a complete list but I hope it helps. Please share & add your strategies, resources, ideas, actions.

@TrevorProject @GLSEN @HRC @GSANetwork @FamAcceptProj
You can follow @Teach4Trust.
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