We cannot mistake the appearance of climate action for actual climate action. Time and again, we see San Francisco politicians claim to support climate-friendly policies while at the same time promoting policies that accelerate global warming. 2/
Our kids can’t wait. The science around our public policy options is crystal-clear. The most important policies San Franciscans can promote and enact to ensure a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions can be explored here: https://coolclimate.berkeley.edu/ca-scenarios/index.html 3/
We must create more transit-oriented, infill housing, so that our policies of exclusion don’t further encourage sprawl construction into natural and wildfire-prone areas. 5/
And also so that our low-footprint (walking & transit-friendly) lifestyle here in SF can be enjoyed by others who want the same. ‘San Francisco is full, move to Tracy' might be a politically popular stance to take here, but it is not a climate-friendly stance. 6/
We must expand our public transit infrastructure so that our neighbors who are eager for reliable bus service can get out of their cars. This will reduce traffic as well as emissions and vehicle-miles traveled (VMT). 7/
We must support continued moves to commercial and home efficiency and electrification — our grid is moving more and more quickly to renewable sources, but our infrastructure still relies on systems that favor greenhouse gas emissions. 8/
San Francisco’s Focus 2030: Pathway to Net Zero Emissions report from last year has a series of actionable recommendations we need to take immediately around urban greening, carbon sequestration, sustainable consumption, and recycling. https://sfenvironment.org/sites/default/files/fliers/files/sfe_focus_2030_report_july2019.pdf 10/
We need to streamline climate-friendly policies in San Francisco while valuing neighborhood collaboration, not neighborhood obstruction. 12/
This includes supporting Sen. @Scott_Wiener's SB-288 to amend the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) so that it no longer acts counter to environmental goals in this emergency climate moment. https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=201920200SB288 13/
We must encourage healthy eating and sustainable consumption — one of my favorite places in the Richmond District is the Clement Street Farmers Market, where I can get access to fresh food, exercise, and (pre-COVID) a chance to check in with neighbors. 14/
Community gardens and local parks offer similar opportunities for a closer connection to the natural world. Not every community has such reliable access, and we can continue to support parks-friendly bond measures like this November’s Prop A. https://sfrecpark.org/1370/Better-Parks-for-the-Future 15/
My kids and all of their peers across the planet deserve to live in a world of climate stability and climate-friendly policies. Young people are clamoring for a change in our priorities, and we can’t keep passing the buck on this out of fear of a small but vocal minority. /end
Following up on this thread with a commitment to not take contributions over $200 from the fossil fuel industry and to build local support for climate-friendly policies. @sunrisemvmt #GreenNewDeal
You can follow @MarjanPhilhour.
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