Well, I’ve been thinking about this. I deleted some tweets because I was thinking like a business person, so I did some more digging and this is what I’ve found
Thanks @LincolnsBible for sending me down the road to this.
1/ https://twitter.com/lincolnsbible/status/1296835841772285952
In July, 2020, an article was written that was very well sourced.
The basis of that article? That there has been a 50 year war against the USPS that began around 1968 and one of the 1st times privatization of USPS was talked about. The author of the story was Robert Poole.
Essentially, the article helped popularize the term privatization and Charles Koch saw it as an opportunity to push the term via ads over the years. This article, suggests that COVID has given Charles Koch an opportunity to push his agenda against USPS further.
Here’s why:
In a new research study from http://www.inthepublicinterest.org  they reviewed the history and the implications of Charles Koch’s plan to tear down the most beloved institution in government. The Timeline below is telling. He is still actively lobbying against funds for USPS in Congress.

This is the entire study and it’s fascinating. There are several reasons they point out why he wants to actively attack USPS, one of the largest employers in the U.S.
#1 Charles Koch may have distanced himself from Trump, but he never got out of lobbying key Republican Senators to not bail out USPS. He’s targeting 12 senators, nine of whom are running for re-election in 2020.
It’s easier to read the article, but in case you want more information on how the GOP are actively trying to sell off USPS
#2 When George Bush installed James C Miller into a position on the Board of Governors, he placed a key KOCH political ally onto the Board. That very consequential action was the prelude to more.
This picture is an indicator of my @SenSusanCollins shouldn’t be re-elected as a Senator. She pushed the PAEA Bill that included pre-funding pensions. However, there was another sinister item included. This is where it got sneaky.
The year before the PAEA was passed, USPS had nearly $1 Billion in profit. 2 years later, after the PAEA required pre-funding pension, it had to transfer a $17.1 Billion surplus into the 50 year old fund plus $5B annually after that. In the RED.
Competitors weren’t.
And to compound things, with a GOP controlled Senate, Congress, IN ADDITION, shifted the costs of USPS military service-related pension cost from the Treasury to USPS.
A $27Billion obligation. This is a HUGE debt can never be re-paid with pre-funding pensions and more.
It was passed by Congress w/o any recorded votes by name. It was sold as a way to help USPS “modernize” mail processing.
All done by @SenSusanCollins.
AND with the help of James Miller III, Jack Potter, Richard Fink were all lobbying or involved at the highest levels to push this. Sen. Tom Carper (D) tried to help later in 2009, but damage was already done.
Their conclusion.
USPS has asked for $75Billion in funds to help through this crisis because of COVID and their burden of debt.

Mnuchin, via Trump, is stalling that effort. Now we know why.

So what’s the answer?
Worse yet, each Senator that received letters from Americans for Prosperity run by KOCH lobby received this letter. In addition the Senators targeted I mentioned above are listed.
The ads that AFP will be running will be asking constituents to contact the Senators below:
R Cassidy
R Ernst
D Jones
D Manchin
D Peters
R Romney
R Rounds
D Shaheen
D Smith
R Sullivan
D Warner
R Wicker

They will also be scored.
So, once again, the connections throughout government to sabotage USPS should make all of us pause and reconsider who we vote for

There must be a definitive tie to Mnuchin to DeJoy outside of the GOP and that would mean a definitive tie to Koch through a former BOG and more
19/ https://twitter.com/lincolnsbible/status/1296835841772285952
So, sticking DeJoy into this mix has got to be consolidation of power with the GOP to destroy USPS and I can adamantly say that it was the worst rollout of a poor plan I’ve ever seen in my decades of being in business.
You can follow @SaysDana.
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