American Intelligence published that coronavirus could have been manufactured as weapon in a lab in Wuhan so they want China to pay reparation to world. UN wants to launch an inquiry but the US says they might have destroyed evidence. Register your opinion:
US intelligence claimed Iraq's dictator possessed weapons of mass destruction and was working with Al-Qaida. US-led coalition invaded Iraq in 2003, leading to 6 out of 10 civilian deaths.

Later US-led UN coalition searched Iraq for WMDs but couldn't find any. Was the war just?
There is one correct answer for the question above- Iraq war was a unjust.

The purpose of the exercise was to make you aware of your biases. Majority of you presumed guilt even when the argument was built entirely on rhetoric rather than evidence. Gn.
Majority of you wanted China to pay despite lack of evidence because you don't necessarily to consult reason when something bad happens to a country or a person you hate.
That said, I'll repeat the disclaimer, all events are fictional and any resemblance to real life person, events or countries is a coincidence.

I offered you the choices in bounded rationality.
Thanks for playing. Good game. Good night ✌️🙏🏼
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