This NP has already been seeing patients for THREE weeks & ordering labs. Only problem is he can’t interpret them or what to do with abnormal values. Medical school 101 - do not order tests which you cannot interpret 🤦🏻‍♂️. #trainingmatters #patientsafety #AB890 #nursepractitioner
2) As a medical student, you learn normal values before second year of medicla school. The USMLE licensing exam forces you to know and to be able to interpret (and act on) abnormal values. We often hear nurses and NPs berate medical students and young intern/junior docs for
3) not knowing anything as “baby” docs. If only they actually knew the rigor of medical school. Standardized medical education gives you the foundation of medical knowledge which is honed through supervised practice during residency.
4) This ensures that a graduating senior resident who then becomes a “new”, fully fledged attending doctor knows what they are doing. Certainly, it prevents unsupervised practice of ordering key labs that the practitioner is then not able to interpret and act upon.
It will be interesting to see the excuses directed at this post by NPs. I will 1) either get accused of this being a fake account or 2) “everyone starts somewhere”. The reality is that this should never happen and it is indefensible.
What if you or your family memeber was one of the patients seen by this NP in the first three weeks? What if they had a critical lab value. Do you want someone guessing what to do or asking for FB advice? Patients deserve better. @JimWoodAD2 #AB890
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