Been arguing with the "let's mutilate and medicate trans kids" lot again. The arguments boil down to, "you're unkind". Leaving aside the sexism of that comment... No it's not kind to argue for children's bodily autonomy. The exact opposite in fact. /1
It does illustrate the intellectual vacuity of the trans kid position. We do not let minors marry, or drive, or vote. Younger minors cannot consent to sex or even drink alcohol. In no universe do they magically acquire the ability to make life long decisions at that age. /2
So why get so hung up on defending the transing of children?

Only explanation I have is that it would lead to the entire trans origin story falling apart. If kids can change their minds... (as they often do...) then there is no innate gender identity. /3
No pink and blue brains. Just a sad world where the patriarchy oppresses girls and gay boys to the extend that they would rather self mutilate than accept themselves for who they are. /4
And the person lecturing about their magic ladybrain and special ladydique is no longer a beautiful and brave defender of minority human rights and just a somewhat sad autogynephile who will always fall somewhat short of their idealised idea of femininity. /5
The saddest thing is, I'd love a world with no gender. I'm raising my child as gender-neutrally as I can (dolls and cars)

We can't just leave reality behind though. Sex is, unfortunately, real. And my daughter will be hurt by men.

We need to understand this to fight it. /6
*Unkind not kind!
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