[ T H R E A D ]

✨ BTS And Their Poem For The Simple Things: A half-assed analysis of a revolutionary conception of happiness ✨
Something common about BWL and Dynamite (aside from their retro sound) is the simplicity of their lyrics. They're not anything grand, no revolutionary ideas... but they do make you happy. They make you smile, they make you feel appreciated, they carry happiness and joy +
+ in their simplest form. They're infectiously positive and they leave you with that feeling of utter joy and that is what matters. That's what @BTS_twt want - it's for us to find happiness in the simplest things, without having to turn them into anything grand. +
+ In BWL, they tell us how even the smallest we do make them happy, how knowing the most basic things about was enough to warm their hearts. In Dynamite, however, they're showing us we too can be happy with the smallest things. A glass of milk, a donut, dancing, meeting +
+ with friends... Those aren't grand events but they do bring joy, especially during these times of anxiety and uncertainty where we find our options to be quite limited. Usually, we'd seek happiness outside of what we have, look somewhere else for something that +
+ isn't normally accessible. But through BWL and Dynamite, BTS show us it's possible to find contentment in what's already near us, in what's accessible.

Those ideas may seem very simplistic, maybe a bit naive but let's be honest with ourselves: when was the last time +
+ we actually paused to appreciate how content a morning coffee or a walk in a park made us? But also, do we really have the time to? Are we given the opportunity to? In a society where everything needs to be done faster and faster and where we're constantly plagued +
+ with ideas that happiness is attached to luxury, is there any way for us to think that we can be with what we have?

And you see, that's what make BTS' philosophy "A Poem For The Simple Things" revolutionary and outstanding. They push us to re-evaluate and re-access +
+ our own coneption of happiness; they make us realize that, while it's okay to strive for more, it's also okay to appreciate the simplest pleasure in life, to find happiness in them. It is not a shame to seek joy in what is right besides you and maybe, that is the recipe for +
+ long-lasting happiness.
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