This article on ASIO is inspiring. It's good to know we have such technical competence.

BUT, one has to ask why with such capabilities the Australian people are so poorly served.

We suffer with a government that is ...

Cc @MikePBurgess @ASIOGovAu
captured by major Aus and US Corporations, is guilty of blatant corruption and illegality, including assisting in the destruction of free speech and other basic human rights, ex #Assange and #Wikileaks , prosecution of whistleblowers who try to correct this situation and ...
destruction of Australia's social safety net in all its forms (health, housing, education, etc) and driving the divisive racial slurs that turn Australians against a wage range of other nations that not a threat but are simply trying to improve the world.

Imagine if ....
ASIO used its awesome capabilities to expose corporate malfeasance, government corruption, interference by foreign national like the US and Israel, and to actually try to improve Australia's pathetic standing on human rights, antiwar support, environmental commitment and ...
so much more.

The East German Secret Police, the Stasi , had ASIO's current strategy while they held power and it was their undoing. That is, the Stasi defended the State and the powerful against anyone who worked to improve citizen's basic rights.

As with ASIO, The Stasi ...
had all the tools and could cripple any individual or movement attempting to bring change that threatened the ruling elite. And thus is exactly how ASIO is currently viewed.

The Stasi failed. Miserably. Because in the end, the people would only tolerate so much enforced ...
adherence, and belligerent undermining of their democratic will.

Unless ASIO recognises its current flawed path they will suffer exactly the same outcome.

ASIO has the capacity to radically expose issues that are damaging every Australian's right to a more humane and ...
equitable society and in so doing become "The Eyes and Ears of The People" .

They have NO impediment from doing so. None.

ASIO needs to decide who they are working for; a short-term job for the powerful and elite, or, a permanent job for ALL Australian people.

It's simple. ...
If ASIO chooses to defend The People, they could start today, and the Government (of the powerful and elite) would have zero ability to stop them. None.

So, @MikePBurgess , @ASIOGovAu , what do you say, permanent glory or temporary bastardry.

Not a hard choice really.
The trigger event for failure of the Stasi was fall of the Berlin Wall and unification of Germany.

One might ponder whether the impact of Covid-19 may cause a similar decline in the western status quo as it undermines the extreme capitalism that created the need for such spying.
Just in case there's any doubt about what you are supporting @MikePBurgess , @ASIOGovAu , there's a hint in the responses to this tweet.

Thx @SpeechwritingAu , very timely. :-)
I don't normally retweet my own tweets but this thread seemed to be invisible to many. Turns out I was shadow banned.

So, not ALL ego, just correcting for Twitter censorship.
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