WRT: lupisvulpes

back in june, when i was still a patron and in her patreon discord server, i asked lupis if she would ever do charity commissions or adopts for blm, since i noticed she was rather silent about the matter on social media. (thread)
lupis has a massive following, so i asked if she would consider doing charity commissions. unfortunately, the full screenshots are lost because the server was deleted. these were the screenshots i could find (the second one was after i expressed disappointment at her response)
i decided to dm her because i didnt want to start a scene in the server and felt it would be best to approach her directly; since this interaction she has still not used her platform to speak on these issues.
there is no denying that lupis comes from a very privileged place; she is a white woman who can very easily shut these issues out of her life. i did not think much of this at the time, but with recent information thats come to light i cant help but look at these with disgust
also worth noting:
-according to others, her comment section on youtube has a large number of people with profile pictures that have pro cop imagery
-her mascot/sona for a long time was literally a cop (pictured below)
update: i was just dmed these screenshots from her facebook. they speak for themselves
anyways while youre here donate and remember that trans lives are human lives :] https://blacklivesmatters.carrd.co/ 
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