Cholesterol isn't toxic!

In fact, it's important for synthesis of vitamin D, cholesterol sulfate, and the entire hormone system

The real issue is oxidized cholesterol, which only forms under specific conditions in the body which are created by inflammation
While insulin resistance gets a lot of attention, when it comes to energy balance in the body the hormone leptin is really the true master

When muscles are leptin resistant they redirect calories back into the liver, essentially running normal energy balance backwards
In severe cases when the liver also becomes leptin resistant, it downregulates its LDL cholesterol receptors, causing LDL to spend more time in the blood

In an inflammatory state (which is also tied in to leptin resistance), the cholesterol becomes more and more oxidized
Inflammation means the veins become porous allowing small dense LDL to become trapped in the vascular wall, high blood sugar and oxidized PUFAs are some of the primary culprits here

A high carb diet results in more small dense LDL, while more fat/protein creates much safer VLDL
All of these factots create a huge amount of both oxidized small dense LDL cholesterol, and inflamed porous vascular walls that allow placque buildup in the arteries

These are the real heart disease culprits!
In my opinion blue light is the biggest trigger for this cascade, as it induces leptin/insulin resistance, and causes an increase in both oxidative stress and inflammation

It creates a perfect storm for the body to go from being able to handle carbs, to being destroyed by them
The excess of carbs consumed year round in the american diets acts the trigger here

Increased fructose consumption has made all this even worse, fructose produces the most small dense LDL of any sugar, and blocks the activity of leptin! (see the work of Dr. Lustig for more info)
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