Under DOE pressure @NREL grounded scientists, scrapped talks incl. one @CIGREWorld's global confab in Paris, scrubbed its website, and blocked submission of a paper to a prestigious @IEEE_pes journal.

The "Seams" study's final report remains unpublished 2 years later.
Big thanks to the Fund for Investigative Journalism for $$, the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press for legal advice, @CenterForBioDiv's Energy Justice Program for documents, and @AmyNordrum and @IEEESpectrum for getting my FOIAs planted.
And many thanks to a great team at InvestigateWest and The Atlantic for burning the midnight oil to bring this story out of the darkness! @fhill_official @RMcClureIW @SDeneen @AWritingComplex @FactCheckPros @AllisonAugustyn Yvonne Rolzhausen and more!
You can follow @pfairley.
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