Never not thinking about Aiwen's headcanon of terrifying sleep-talking Wei Wuxian, tbh
Specifically I am thinking about Wangxian and Sizhui and Wen Ning camping in the woods after cleansing a haunting there.
Wen Ning is a little ways away, keeping watch. WWX crawled into his bedroll and passed the fuck out the second the cleansing was done. LWJ stayed awake with Sizhui for a while, but he's long since gone to sleep, too. So it's just Sizhui, lying awake in his own bedroll.
It's been a few hours of trying to ignore the chill of the woods and the excess adrenaline from the hunt when WWX suddenly, soundlessly sits straight up. Sizhui has been the one to wake up Senior Wei dozens of times. He doesn't usually look so - immediately awake.
"Senior Wei?" Sizhui whispers, so as not to wake Hanguang-jun. "Are you okay? Do you need anything?" WWX looks back at him placidly. Long enough that Sizhui eventually asks "... Xian-gege?"
Then WWX's stare shifts, like he's looking a over Sizhui's shoulder. And he says, "Leave him alone. He's not yours."

Sizhui's mouth is open to ask what he means. But before he can, there's this purposeful shiver in the air. The chill around Sizhui lifts. Like fingers uncurling.
Slowly, the sound of chirping cicadas builds around them. Sizhui hadn't noticed until just now how quiet it had been.

And then WWX smiles sleepily, sinks back into LWJ's waiting arm, and he's immediately out again.
(And if Sizhui moves his own bedroll closer to Hanguang-jun and Senior Wei after that, there's no one awake to know.)
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