Stop calling people 'misandrist' when they say "Men are trash".
First of all, we KNOW that good men exist, 'surprisingly' we know that. Using a simple snake metaphor by Jesse Vhasy, "We all know that snakes are dangerous, yet there are some snakes which are not deadly. (1/n)
However, you never hear people say ‘some snakes are dangerous, some are not’. They just say, ‘snakes are dangerous’ because it is hard for the person to tell which snakes are dangerous and which snakes are not, so they urge people to be cautious of all snakes." (2/n)
"Men Are Trash" is like saying "Fruits are sweet." Not all fruits are sweet but we don't say "fruits are sweet but some fruits are sour", it's simple linguistic understanding. It’s common sense-we say it because there are more than enough men to make us feel afraid(3/n)
to walk at night, more than enough men to make us think thrice before trusting men because we’re afraid they will hurt us, we have to be alert all the time. Every women I know has gone through it. We don’t have to explain that we don’t actually mean'all' men. By being defensive
when someone speaks about their bad experiences, you are becoming part of the problem, you don’t care about what happened to them, you’re worried about only you and your bros.“We’re good guys, stop generalizing us''. Yet women can be attacked a majority of men and you won’t care.
Men who aren't trash don't get triggered by 'men are trash' because they know they aren't one of them.They won't feel the need to defend themselves, they aren’t ignoring women’s struggles. They don’t have fragile egos that crumble instantly when a woman says, “men are trash.”(6/n
If you try to get defensive then it's because you are problematic and are a part of the problem, you know it and you feel attacked. In that case you should introspect. (n/n)
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