my experience with the online lgbt community really showed me why less and less people are starting to accept them. these absolute buffoons go and make something like beegender UNIRONICALLY and then associate it with the lgbt community, then they tell everyone to respect it or
you're an "ableist", whatever that means, it doesn't matter because its just another way to call you homophobic. gay, bi, lesbian, trans, and nonbinary people are being rejected medical service and murdered in cold blood and they just want to be accepted. this stupid ass stuff
is just preventing it all. i would be real dang embarrassed if i was gay, trans, bi or whatever and i see this stupid ass "neopronoun" and 94 genders just absolutely SOILING our reputation and making us out to be some sort of insane people. it would feel awful
another thing is mental disorders trying to wiggle themselves into the lgbt name. pedos (or whatever pseudo-passive name they want), MPD, autism, etc. pedos are a whole other can of worms to talk about, but i'm glazing over this for the sake of this thread not ending up a 40 long
tweet that you never read and end up just scrolling down to the comments for the reactions.

if any of this offends you, i don't personally care because all that tells me is that you are too far gone in your ignorant online echo chambers to realize you are all absolute morons

read it you lazy person
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