This is Gods plan correct. He wins.
He has foretold all that has happened & is to come.
How is Q able to foretell similar prophesies.
As Q says.
Biblical. Higher Powers at play.
Let’s 💭 PLG.
What is the REAL Looking Glass?
Job 37:18 “Hast thou with him spread out the sky, which is strong, and as a molten looking glass?”
Hillary her self said...
.... during her Concession Speech;
“I know, I know, we still have not shattered that highest and hardest glass ceiling, but someday somebody will and hopefully sooner than we may think right now.”
In the past [they] only determined the future through manipulation & programming; but all in all God foretold that truth (pic1).
So what is the real Looking Glass? How is Q really 5 steps ahead?
Higher powers at play.?
God Wins.
I do find it funny and notable that the tesla(?) theories on PLG’s desgin even mimics “dome earth” design, or other wise known as Gods word of the Earths true form.
Due credit goes to this strong Holy Spirit Led, God fearing, Beautiful Patriot.
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