to those reading, i'm being sincere when i say this - you don't deserve what LF has given you.

you can want better.

your favorite art shouldn't hurt, not like this.

you don't have to just take it because it was something you once loved. you don't have to keep holding on to it.
you can find other things that give you passion, other media that doesn't actively harm you or speak down to you.

you can find art that doesn't pander to the worst kinds of people, who enjoy seeing others harmed in media and in real life.

it doesn't have to be like this.
i get that a lot of us may feel like we've invested a lot of time and energy, but at a certain point, all of that becomes a sunk cost, and you end up throwing good money after bad (or good support and engagement when it's not deserved).

it's important to know when to walk away.
if you want to continue engaging in parts of fandom, of course that's fine, but i really do think we collectively need to move away from the notion that, one day, LF will do better.

never say never... but time and time again, they've shown us they aren't going to do better.
they've decided (though one way or another...) who their target audience is, and they're catering to them. that's not us. it's not going to be us, not for a long while, not maybe ever.

so long as you go in with eyes wide open (or in most cases, you don't go in at all). /đŸ§”
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