#Covid_19 #coronavirus #hydroxyleducation
I’ve wanted to share some thoughts for a while now because I am fed up with the confusion and panic in the world over Covid-19. People are being scared for no reason at all, at least no reason that is unique to this virus over another.
It is perfectly acceptable for any government to follow science after all science is generally the views of the scholarly and educated. It means of course if anything goes awry Government issues a cry of culpability over the science forgetting it chose not to make the tough call!
However now the scientists appear blindsided, they have no more clue of what to do than you and I flipping a coin, heads normal life, tails for lockdown. It is a tragedy that people have died, but people die every day from more prevalent than Covid. Eg The common cold and smoking
I feel appalled that we’ve let down front line care workers and those who, given a choice, run towards danger, not retreat from it. Our national procurement system should be scrapped along with PHE for it too has spectacularly failed. Is there a better way through this....? Yes.
I’ve added here clips from Wikipedia because hearing that countries are forcing people to wear masks outdoors is a complete joke. Nature protects us and the scientists would know this. Hydroxyls are outdoors, we breathe in roughly 1.3 billion of them every time we inhale (NASA).
It breaks down Methane, and is proven against Ebola, H1N1, SARS and Aspergillus Niger, thought the toughest bacteria to destroy. So in fresh air, unless someone coughs or sneezes directly down your throat or in your eyes, the Hydroxyl attacks the viral protein and destroys it.
I could go on (!) but I won’t. We need to be educated, we need to be aware that there is a better solution than masks, where an illegal industry now exists globally in supply of fake PPE. Or deep cleans which are only as effective as until you stop cleaning and bacteria returns.
If you read this and agree with the premise please retweet copying in any authority figure. We need those in authority to be held to account as I am sure they know all of this and do nothing. Hydroxyl generators are in the market, one is here http://www.gdp.org.uk/shopfloor.html  but....
don’t rely on us. Protect yourselves. #bringtheoutdoorsindoors and stay safe. @BorisJohnson @MattHancock @realDonaldTrump @JustinTrudeau
You can follow @ErosStuart.
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