I'm kind of obsessed with this idea of a whimsical post-apocalyptic setting: a world where climate catastrophe and mass human death/suffering happens but still their remains beauty and silliness in the world. The assumption is that misery is a given for the beings of this world
and "whimsical" things are inherent to humanity/conscious beings. It's not like the world is filled with more whimsy, just that its contrast with the miserable status quo brings attention to itself. Aesthetically I feel like Nier: Automata and Girls Last Tour fits the bill
I'm not super familiar with the background/lore/whatever for either of those tbh. The idea is basically bleak industry + moe shit. Haven't read Yokohama Shopping Tour or watched Humanity Has Declined but I think it's a similar vibe
Of course Japan/anime is suited to those sorts of stories. The apocalypse of WWII/the atomic bombs was followed by capitalism's indulgence thanks to western influence (t. uninformed western bitch)
The characters in these stories I think would lean towards robots/post-human things. Human minds transferred into robot bodies. I'm skeptical of that whole "mind transference" thing as a way to immortality though. It's more like having a kid. You've created a being that
superficially resembles you but isn't you. It has your memories/personality/mannerisms but doesn't share your exact (literal) point of view. Like replicants with memory implants.
The lighter episodes of Evangelion also. Post-apocalypse meets anime slice of life shenanigans.
also jack stauber!
This thread is just cyberpunk but make it cute/funny...not that deep babe
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