Just saw a thread of people getting angry at Bandcamp because they don't pay royalties for streaming, they take a cut of the sale and only 2% of the people who stream their music... Are y'all fucking stupid.
Bandcamp is one of the only honest way to support artists, even if you don't get a 100% of the sale you get well over 75% and why the fuck wouldn't Bandcamp take a cut, they let you upload your music for FREE and without one single ad on their website.
So why in dear fuck would they pay you for royalties in streaming, THEY'RE NOT SITTING ON BAGS OF CASH.
And last but the best, if "only" 2% of the people streaming your music pay for it, then maybe you should make better music lmao idk why you would blame them
Either way Bandcamp is the best music platform out of anything. They're probably one of the only ethical companies that I know of. Fuck you for talking shit, leave Bandcamp alone and enjoy the Fridays they're giving us when their sales SKY ROCKET AND THEY DON'T MAKE A DIME
Tweet that got me heated https://twitter.com/HendoSlice/status/1296091048238874628?s=19
The only thing this thread taught me is Twitter really needs an edit setting
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