Does this surprise you? @HHSGov @CDCgov @NIH @US_FDA puts antibody rich plasma on hold because there isn’t enough clinical trials. I say BS! HHS and it’s agencies are nothing more than a subsidiary of big Pharma. Did you you know that vaccines are 
1) exempt from liability? Yes they are! This means you cannot sue the patent holders or manufacturers for injury from what they manufacture. This is the largest cost to medicine. Congress, years ago exempted the developers (govt scientists) and the companies who manufacture
vaccines from being sued!
2) Did you know that vaccines were renamed by congress years ago? The were renamed biologicals. The reason - to exempt them from being tested in clinical trials as required for medicines. That’s right they aren’t tested at all. Now you know why children
born after 1985 have have chronic conditions such as ADHD, rheumatoid arthritis, sterility, diabetes and so on. Did you know IQ points for these children have dropped 7 points? Yes they have. Did you know that medical testing of medicine is the 2nd largest expense to developers
of medicine & manufacturers. Medical testing for medicine requires an average of 5 yrs. Because vaccines are not called medicine but are called biologicals they are exempt from the same standard
3) Did you know the 3rd largest cost for medicine is advertising? But not for vaccines - because they are mandated!
4)Did you know that all vaccines are developed by US government scientists? Did you know that vaccine patents are owned by these scientists? Do you know that any govt scientist and any government official who works on the development of vaccines is allowed to collect a
maximum of $150,000 per vaccine per year in royalties? Do you know that Fauci owns many many many patents?

5)Do you know that Fauci uses his existing patents to create new vaccines and along with that comes new patents and new royalties?

6) Do you know that HHS agencies can
collect unlimited royalties (there is no limit on an agency) to fund the budgets for their agencies? Yes this is a true fact!

7) Do you know that 50% or more of main stream medias’, news agencies’ revenues from advertising come from big Pharma? Yes that is true!
8)Did you know that our congressional members receive huge sums of money individually from lobbyists personally and in the form of campaign donations to keep this cycle going? Oh yes they do!
9) Did you know our government scientists GIVE the vaccine to four pharmaceutical giants to manufacture? Do you know our government buys the vaccine back from the manufacturer often at premium prices, sometimes at 2x the price it is being sold to Europe? Then HHS
mandates the vaccine for us to take.

So let me summarize the pluses of being in the business of developing and manufacturing vaccines:,
No liability, no testing costs, no advertising costs, for developers and manufacturers of vaccines
+ big and many royalties for government scientists
+ big ad revenues for msm, news outlets and other sources
+ big money and campaign donations by pharmaceutical lobbyists and
from pharmaceuticals directly lining the pockets of our congressional members makes this a perfectly legal way of generating tons of money for many at the expense of our health.

It is the equivalent having your own printing press for printing money. It can’t get any better
than that! Think about this- is big Pharma blackmailing the media? Is this a quid pro quo? You, Mr Media will get to keep my advertising revenues only if you censor and bash the efficacy of any treatments that will ERADICATE the virus.
social media are censoring HCQ and will soon be doing the same with the efficacy of antibody rich plasma - all in the name of greed!

Now you know why main stream media,
Congress, HHS and our 24 commie governors are holding the HCQ treatment from us!
If you want to know what is really going to be launched upon the American people then you need to listen to this:
Now you know why these 5 fucking useful idiot governors committed the most egregious infectious deaths by murder from intentionally placing covid patients in nursing homes:

CA Gov. Gavin Newsom
NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo
NJ Gov. Phil Murphy
MI Gov. Gretchen Whither
PA Gov. Tom Wolf
All bought and paid for by HHS and big Pharma! There is no line that differentiates HHS from big Pharma. HHS can only be thought of as a subsidiary in the biggest scam ever inflicted upon the American people! It is tragic!

These are the fuckers who are allowing it!
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