Umm guys willing to help?

Aku mau jual beberapa Twice merch, sebenernya ngerasa bersalah 😭
Tapi aku gatau harus gmna, yesterday incident is ..

Aku usahain jual dibawah harga pasaran
I'm really sorry and feel embarrassed to burden you all
But I think I need it for now 😭😭
Jujur ngerasa bersalah jual ini, ada beberapa masih aku keep 😭😭
But what can I do,
Collecting merch not my priority for now
Ada beberapa PC & poster yg mau aku jual juga
Maybe after I got work again, I won't have that thinking to sell my twice merch 😭
It's suffocating
Cek shopee ku, kalau tertarik
Atau boleh DM untuk deal price

WTS Twice Photocard, Merch

I hope there's plenty of kind people here
You can follow @minagongjunim.
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