#cr: the dragon republic by r.f. kuang
god i missed this world so much 😭
rin is suffering so much :( addiction, trauma, ptsd, just so much in such little time
“fire and water don’t mix”

I AM LOOKING.... 👁👄👁
KITAY!!!! 😭
nezha nezha nezha
why do authors do this? 😭 every time we meet the father of a male protagonist they either go the “he was the spitting image of his father” route or “we were looking at [male protagonist name] in a few years”
“all you want is to get your revenge. but you could be so much. do so much more. listen to me. you could change history.”

👁👄👁 continue....
perhaps...rinezha is getting to me...
“don’t worry. i won’t tell. i’ll be the only monster. just me.”
rin stop seeking validation from other ppl be you’ll only get hurt challenge
pls i want to know so much more about who and what chaghan is. i honestly think he’s a key between men and gods.
vaisra is being too nice and i’m keeping my eye on him bc i have a gut feeling that this is all a farce
“he loved her and feared her. they aren’t mutually exclusive.”

i see what you did there ms. kuang
daji blocked off her power didn’t she 😭 it was a matter of time before we found out about that “bad” feeling
rin’s constant outburst of anger are starting to get a bit annoying :/ but i understand why.

her current relationship with nezha and vaisra is interesting 🧐 i’m already waiting for the betrayal lol they’re accepting her too easily and that was a huge red flag on manipulation
why do i keep getting the feeling that all of the men in the yin family or at least mainly nezha are shamans?
the hesperians are such a realistic exaggeration of the west, especially during the enlightenment period. it’s both funny and terrifying.
not me starting to really like nezha when i know he’s going to be a betrayor 😭
rin is pissing me so off so much. she wants ppl to do and think like she does or else has a tantrum but won’t suck it up and be the leader the cike needs? the lack of responsibility jfc
rinezha rights! ✊
ah i was wondering when feylen was going to show up
are we finally going to learn more about chaghan and his people?! finally!! 😭
ppl are really out here trying to genuinely help rin and all she does is insult them and belittle them 🙄 ugh

does that mean that the dragon emperor’s power maybe runs through the yin family line sort of like a wandering soul? that’s why he’s still an anchor, not technically dead but not also alive?
thank you chaghan for finally saying exactly what we were all thinking
i cannot believe that just happened wtf
i love them
“the dragon devours his sons.”
why do i have this awful feeling that nezha is going to side with the empress?
well. i guess feylen was only book 2 fodder :/ i thought we were going to see a different aspect of the gods through him
man the kiss wasn’t even much of a kiss 😭😭😭 i have been bamboozled
since daji is connected to the snake god and always described as a beautiful and seductive for some reason my mind decided to imagine her sort of like orochimaru when he took the body of a girl 💀
ah there it is. the betrayal.
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