I've read thousands of long-form profiles since launching @ProfileRead 3 years ago.

I want to introduce you to 10 of the world's most interesting people that you've probably never heard of.

Meet them below 👇
Richard Montañez was a janitor w/ a 4th-grade level education who couldn’t read or write.

But he was a janitor with an idea — one that would make Frito-Lay billions of dollars and become one of history’s most iconic snack foods: Flamin’ Hot Cheetos https://thehustle.co/hot-cheetos-inventor/
Survivor’s guilt has been pervasive in the community of elite alpinists, who have lost friends in the mountains.

Tim Tate is the psychotherapist who helps them heal.

He uses a variety of rituals borrowed from Zen Buddhism. What a fascinating man. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2020/03/02/survivors-guilt-in-the-mountains
Charlene de Carvalho was a 47-year-old stay-at-home mom when her father died & left her the family business ... which was the Heineken empire.

She had 10 days to make a choice — continue living comfortably as a housewife or run the world’s #3 brewer. https://fortune.com/2014/12/03/heineken-charlene-de-carvalho-self-made-heiress/
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