A year ago today I gave some advice to incoming freshmen in a thread. I stand by all this. https://twitter.com/lukestamps/status/1163233488860045312
If I were to take a fresh stab at it this year, I'd simplify it to just these points:
1. Mind your body
2. Mind your mind
3. Mind your soul
4. Mind your relationships
5. Mind your schedule
1. Body: mask up, physical distance, eat well, exercise daily, get enough sleep, drink plenty of water
2. Mind: read great books, meditate, get outside, have meaningful conversations, seek help if you need it
3. Soul: pray morning, evening, and night; read Scripture slowly, prayerfully, and contemplatively; make diligent use of the means of grace in the body of Christ
4. Relationships: serve others rather than asking in pity why they aren't serving you; never ask from another person what only Jesus can be for you; find a mentor; be a mentor
5. Schedule: get up early; outside of class, think in terms of tasks instead of time; work while you work and play while you play
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