As a small company that started in London Ontario Canada we operate 4 corporate locations and 3 Franshise locations about to open up in Ontario. We just converted our entire cash reserves that were originally used as savings into #Bitcoin
Time for thread 👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽
1) Going through the crisis of March business was tough on us & people were scared to go out to eat. My cousin, my brother & I let a significant amount of our partners (employees) go and were working day and night to keep the restaurants afloat.
2) It was very tough especially that we are going through an expansion phase. With strong will, long hours and determination we were able to keep all of our restaurants cash flow positive. But we were faced with one big problem.
3) The government assistance programs in Canada made it very hard for us to bring back our partners (employees) as they were making more money staying at home and not working. All of a sudden we went from an economic crisis to everyone having a lot of money Including us.
4) Our Cash reserves swelled and business was booming again. But it was apparent to us that cash didn’t have the same appeal. That eventually with all the excess cash circulating the economy that cash would be worth less.
5) Personally I have been an investor with my personal account over the years. I’ve come across #bitcoin several times but never really paid attention to it thanks to my investor idol @WarrenBuffett calling it rat poison...
6) As time went on I was constantly trying to learn and grow my knowledge about finance. I kept bumping into #Bitcoin from @PrestonPysh podcast and @RealVision @RaoulGMI ,,,,
7) I heard people in the #Bitcoin community saying you have to hear about #Bitcoin at least 7 times before you get into it. 100% accurate. It wasn’t until I read @Breedlove22 article The Number Zero and Bitcoin where it all clicked for me.
8) After that it was the #bitcoin Rabbit hole for me. I spent the next couple of months personally accumulating it in my personal account. I read the bitcoin standard by @saifedean bought more, read The Price of Tomorrow by @JeffBooth bought more.
9) Read @100trillionUSD articles bought more, listened to @TraceMayer bought more listened to @RaoulGMI bought more, listened to @DTAPCAP bought more listened to @stephanlivera @APompliano @PeterMcCormack @TheCryptoconomy @princey1976 bought more.
10) Every time I see @goingparabolic posting his buys on twitter I would buy more.
11) For me I view #bitcoin as a true free savings technology that stores wealth across time and space. And it came apparent to me that there is a game of musical chairs being played right now and the music will stop & some people will get left out.
12) And that’s when we as a company decided to store all of our excess cash reserves into #bitcoin as it offers a much better alternative to saving cash. We will continue to do that over the coming years and maybe forever if we don't have a need for the fiat.
13) We will not wait for S&P 500 to start doing so. It already started with @MicroStrategy and now @TheRealTahinis If you want to follow how we are doing in the future and like to see amazing Food content, give us a follow. 👍🏽
14) I really want to thank everyone that was mentioned in this post. Knowledge is everything. Invest in yourself
You can follow @TheRealTahinis.
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