Man with arrest warrant for violating parole says what?
Tiny Toese encouraging people show up at Amber Cummings No to Marxism rally in Portland this Saturday.
Probably too chicken to show up himself.
Right wing agitator Amber Cummings from California has been planning a No to Marxism event in Portland for months, which hardly anyone has noticed, because she's so obscure and can't usually draw much audience.
Amber Cummings filed for a permit and tried to have Portland police and DHS for security, but was rejected on all fronts, which could draw out her more violent friends
This is an annual clusterfvck Amber has been piecing together in Berkeley for the past three years, sometimes teaming up with groups like Proud Boys & American Guard. In 2017 she held it the same weekend as Joey Gibson's failed effort to rally in San Francisco.
For 2020 in Portland, Amber is trying to get people outraged over the recent incident, spreading false rumors that a man was murdered. Same incident that incited Joey Gibson to go screaming around an apartment complex Monday.
Even though this No to Marxism event in Portland doesn't have much traction, Amber Cummings has partnered with many violent fascists in Portland & Berkeley, so don't underestimate the risk.
Haley Adams is friends with Amber Cummings and has traveled to California to support her past events, so I would not be surprised if she returns to Portland Saturday. Last weekend Haley's group instigated a lot of violence in Portland, so be on alert.
In 2017, Amber & Joey Gibson insisted on holding their "Patriot Weekend" in San Francisco & Berkeley, a couple of weeks after Charlottesville. Amber was interviewed for several minutes before a Berkeley City press conference. It didn't go well. 😂
As expected, more out of town fascists traveling to Portland on Saturday to provoke trouble. Haley and friends will likely be armed like last weekend, looking for conflicts so they can claim to be victims.
Nobody told Amber that mutual combat isn't really a thing as she tries to amp up the violence for Saturday.
For a guy who currently has an active arrest warrant on him for violating parole, it does seem odd that Tiny Toese is trying to recruit more people to participate in Saturday's fascist road show. Black Rebel made a movie. Maybe he plans to stick around for this too.
Looks like the out of town fascists are trying to be relevant in Portland today. Don't forget that some of them like to "dress like antifa" to blend in. This is Jen Loh in Portland a couple of years ago.
Be careful out there.
Jen Loh offers participation awards for all of the fash in Portland today!! 🏅🏅
Things quickly went from, "We take this country back," to "we SHOWED up." Well done PDX!!
Jen Loh & Christopher Ritchie limping away in Portland today. These chuds flew over 2000 miles to be there. Like in Kalamazoo last week, recruiting Proud Boys from out of state, but still significantly out numbered and chased out of every town.
Now the finger-pointing for their FAILURE begins. 👉🏾👈🏾
Organizer Amber Cummings blames the other group in a long tirade. But we can all see that their combined fash shows were greatly outnumbered by more competent locals.
Key points from Amber's post today. 👀👀
AGAIN, with the excuses & participation awards for showing up 🏅🙄

Amber makes it clear, this was a loss. Now who are the. "people in high places?" Who bankrolls dozens of "patriots" rolling into Portland for these pathetic larping events??
News📢: The other event organizer, (ie the one Amber Cummings blames for her own failure today,) disagrees with Amber's version of events. On her own stream Amber told the PPB it could be 500-600 people. Poor planning & leadership!
Not long after I posted this explanation from the other event organizer, her post is no longer visible on Amber Cummings facebook page. It doesn't fit that victim narrative, where Amber & the Proud Boys want to blame someone else for their own poor planning today.
That pink bat with daises really completes his outfit. Is any militia group going to claim ownership of this guy, from Portland yesterday?
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