The last scene of LOST was so bad because the first scene of LOST is the best first scene of all time, the universe craves balance these are the rules
I’ve decided to rewatch LOST btw
Omg the pilot, like I KNEW it was coming and I still screamed I love this show
I truly believe that if this show had stopped at around 4 seasons it could have been perfect, but they dragged it out too long and didn’t know where to take it from there.
Four seasons on the island with some weird government conspiracy type stuff would’ve been such a clean show, ugh.
I’m not sure that any episode of TV ever has gotten a reaction out of me like LOST S1E3 when you see John Locke in that wheelchair.
And we should just get this out in the open now: I love few tv characters more than @danieldaekim as Jin and I will absolutely lose my shit every single time I think he’s dead which is like a dozen times over the course of this show.
Oops just realized Walkabout is episode 4 not 3 please don’t kick me out of the LOST fan club
Friendly reminder that Sawyer stole Alicia Silverstone’s backpack in the Aerosmith Cryin video. And no it wasn’t the same actor playing a different part, it was young Sawyer who 1000% would’ve stolen backpacks from teens in diners in the 90s.
You guys I am sorry but John Locke made a FREAKING dog whistle to get Vincent back and my love/hate relationship with this man is COMPLEX AF through all six seasons.
Omg Walt and Vincent 😭😭😭
Oh Jesus and we end with a close up of John Locke because next episode is WALKABOUT hold on to your butts
🗣 Don’t tell John Locke what he can’t do 🗣
Ugh just realized John Locke probably would’ve voted for trump :(
Don’t even care I’m still a weeping mess after that episode
Who was the most useful person on the island, Jack, John Locke, or Sayid?
John Locke would’ve been the most useful if he wasn’t also making the most trouble.
Next question : if you were stranded on an island, on a scale of Shannon to Sayid, how useful would you be?
Ugh, just every single backstory reveal on LOST is SO GOOD. Jin and Sun are one of my favorites. She shouldn’t have even been on the plane 😭
Tbh if I was stranded on a desert island with all these hot people I’m not sure I’d want to leave.
Who would you try to get with first
I’m still on season one so Desmond is not included in this poll I am sorry
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