I think I have an amino acid metabolism problem. The amount of protein powder I need to take to recover from exercise is not normal, especially given that I eat eggs, muscle meat, and organs. Does anyone know how collagen metabolism pathways might intersect with muscle repair?
One of my core assumptions—always—is that MCAS is playing a role. I know that because of MCAS, I am prone to Vitamin C, copper, and magnesium deficiency. Vitamin C and copper are necessary for normal collagen metabolism. Does MCAS relate in any way to protein/muscle metabolism?
So...I have forgotten that exercise increases histamine. Many weeks ago, when I had *severe* ongoing muscle pain following exercise, I took large doses of Vitamin C and it helped a lot. Vit C is a histamine recycler. It is also required to make carnitine (mine is often low).
Ding, ding, ding! This is a great review article. My symptoms have improved after taking antihistamines. Thank you 🙏🏼 https://twitter.com/itsanginLA/status/1295447231957307393
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