I said I was going to post 7 threads this week, right?

Well, here we are, in the first one...

I know, I know, you want to make money using Twitter. Or if you're already making money, you want to make even MORE

But there's one thing that you may be doing wrongly

Discover it 👇
Before starting, I have to say two things👇

• I have to say thank you to @CureIncome, he had the original idea of this challenge, I'm just taking it to 7 days instead of 3

• This thread may be basic for you, but I want to create like a small free Twitter course, so stay tuned
Only for you to have an idea, this thread will have this parts:

• The problem with your tweets, the hook for new customers

• How to write better tweets (aka earning more)

• Fixing your profile, the bridge between unknowns and leads/customers

• Get money to buy a Lambo
That said, it's time to (finally) start

In order to get money from Twitter, we need people to read our content, right?

Because without people we don't have traffic to send to the offer, right?


Well... this is the first error ⚠️

Do you want to know why?
It's not because of the concept, because the concept is correct,

But because of the way we execute it.

Hear me, it has become a fashion to post affiliate links very oftenly, have spammy profiles and things like that...

And that's where (one of) the problems relies 👀
Imagine being watching your favourite movie on Netflix

and every 10 minutes they show you an offer saying: "Hey buy this, it's on discount" or "This is a very good movie, watch it"

You'd end up being tired of it, right?

That's the first problem I want to talk you about 👇
Yeah, it's good to tweet affiliate links every some time

But if I enter your profile and it looks like when I go the the supermarket, something's wrong...

Tweets have one and ONLY one main purpose 👉 Drive traffic to your profile.

Because, yeah, a tweet is like a small funnel

But you can't do much in 280 characters.

You need to have a clear goal for your tweets, you can't tweet something and say: "Well, I hope my audience like this and hopefully I get some sales."
Now, I hope you understand that your tweets are a really important part of your account.

But how to fix that part?

Well, it's not that hard, we just have to tweet what our audience wants.

People LOVE to buy, but they hate to be sold.

Knowing this, we'll do a small change 👇
First, you need to go to https://analytics.twitter.com/ , that's where we can see all the analytics of our account and tweets

Click "Tweets"

Then, click on "Top tweets"

You should see something like this:
There you'll have your tweets with the biggest amount of impressions in the last 28 days.

You may notice that next to every tweet, you see three different numbers.

Impressions 👉 The amount of times that your tweet was seen

Engagements 👉 The amount of actions taken on it
Engagement rate 👉 The rate between impressions and engagements

The important number here is exactly that, the ENGAGEMENT RATE


Because it says us the amount of people that took our tweet with enough importance in order to perform an action on it.
Also, Twitter's aglorithm tends to favor the tweets with high engagement rate because that means the users are spending time reading it, so the spending more time inside the app.

You may have a really great tweet in your mind, but if people don't engage with it, it'll die 🤷‍♂️
So now that we can see the engagement rate (ER from now on), and we know that the bigger that number is, the better

What you think we'll do with that info?

Exactly, tweet more about that content that generates us a high engagement rate.

Take your previous tweets as examples.
Just a fast tip in the middle of the thread 👇

Next to where you can see your tweets on the Analytics page, you have a couple graphs

The most important one is the one that shows us our daily average ER.

You want it to be above 3%

And it's the same, the higher it's, the better
We learned that our profile can't be a supermarket and that we need to post content that has a high engagement rate

But... how to do it?

There're a lot of different ways to do it, and it'll depend on the audience you have, but I can give you some tips.
First of all and the most important thing: we can't have any engagement rate if people don't pay attention to our tweet, right?

So that's the first step, getting the attention of the people scrolling like flash through the timelime.

This can be a little tricky sometimes...

Hey hey hey, just a shameless plug right here

If you're enjoying the thread, remember that you can sign up for my email list

where I share exclusive content, exclusive opportunities that I don't talk about here and even more

Click here 👉 http://bit.ly/TwitterAutomations (FREE)

This tweet from my account can be a great example, let's analyze it:

First, we have a flashy GIF: we'll get the reader's attention with that because we break the pattern.

Then, the title of the tweet: "How to", people love that type of content, so they'll keep reading
Also, I'll give you some examples of content that tends to have high engagement rate:

• Questions: ask to your audience
• Polls
• Media (Videos > GIFs > Images)
• Stories
• Tagging other people
• Useful tips

Use it with discretion
So at that part, you already have the reader's attention

Then, we can say whatever we have to say

Just be sure that it's an interesting thing for your audience...
At this point, you already learned how to fix your tweets to get more exposure, engagement rate and potentially visits to your profile

Because yeah, remember that we said that the main objective of the tweets is to drive traffic to our profile

You remember that, right?
Once we understand that, you should now undertand that if your main income comes from tweets,


You need to have as much control above your income as you can.

And how we do it?
Simple, by having the control of our funnel.

This is where our profile takes an important role.

Bur first, let's draw it so it's easier to remember for all of us

You succesfuly managed to drive traffic from your tweets to your profile

But now the readers found that your profile looks worse than my bedroom after a night of crazy party


Let's work on that 👇
Contrary to what most people think

Make the people follow us isn't the main objective of our profile.

That'l be consequence of having a good quality content and offering real value.

The most important thing of our profile is: THE LINK IN OUR BIO.

Why? 🤔
You need to understand something:

If you keep the traffic inside Twitter, you're playing by Twitter's rules

And we don't want that, we want to play by OUR OWN RULES

Taking the traffic outside Twitter is our main objective now, and to do that, we'll fix our profile 👇
First of all, the first thing the users see when they visit our profile, profile picture and header.

If you can use a picture of yourself, that'd be the BEST option, but you can use things with a similar figure to an human: a statue, a drawin, etc...

Humans support other humans
The second thing, the name.

This can be a very useful resource to drive traffic to our profile from other people's tweet.

Look at my name on Twitter 👇

Once I reply to other people's tweets, some people that don't follow me will see it

This name will catch their attention 👀
And then, the header.

The header can be one of the least important things,

But it's always nice to have something good looking.

In my case, my recommendation would be to have a header where you explain very fast what people can find in your profile.

My header:
New we'll fix our pinned tweet 📌

Usually, the recommended tweet to have as pinned tweets is a thread.


Again, because threads tend to have a high engagement rate so people will spend more and more time reading our content

Also, it can be a thread where you sell something
But if you don't have a thread to pin, you can use a high engagement rate tweet you have.

In my case, I use a thread where I give a free automation tool to get more sales in exchange for people's email (a lead magnet)

That way, I benefit from every visit to my profile.
And last but not least, the most important part: 𝓞𝓤𝓡 𝓑𝓘𝓞

This is where we make the user click the link so we can take the traffic outside twitter.

We need to give a reason to the user to click the link, and this is the most difficult part.
The most common way is to use the following structure 👇

"I help X to do Y without Z"

Where X is your target audience, Y what you do, and Z the pain you relief.

Here you have an example: "I help teenagers to get an extra income without working full time."

Do you like it?
Now we (hopefully) hooked the reader, we need to tell them the benefits of clicking the link.

Continuing with the example above, we could say something like this: "Click the link to get my FREE course about how to start your own side hustle."

But it could be a problem...
In order to do this, we need to have something to offer.

It can be a paid course, a YouTube video or anything

But what works best is having a LEAD MAGNET: a product we give for free in exchange for people's emails.

The reason is very simple: we all like free things 😅
Finishing this part, the only thing we need to add is a clear CTA (Call To Action) in the location section, and the link where it needs to be.

The stucture would be something like this:

This is what I offer > this is what you can get > click here > link

My profile as example:
That should be enough in order to increase the amount of people that clicks on our profile's link.

But as I always say, you should test it.

Do you notice the http://Bit.ly  link I have on my profile?

That's a tool I use to track the amount of clicks I receive
I recommend to make small changes to your bio every month and see if it's working better

Even the smallest of the changes can lead into a singnificative increase of traffic.
Summarizing, so far we've learned about:

• Why posting affiliate links oftenly isn't useful
• What type of content we should tweet
• How to have a higher ER
• How to make our profile look nicer
• How to write an effective bio

In resume, how to have a better Twitter profile
Here we continue with the small graphic representation, hope you understand it
But I won't left you with the honey on the mouth...

I know you want to talk about money, so we'll talk about that.

Anyways, I'll talk about the different ways to monetize your account in tomorrow's thread, so don't forget to give it a look 👀
If you follow my tip and you use a lead magnet, you're now collecting people's mails

But why is that useful for us?

First of all because free things will always have more attention than paid products.
So if we give something for free, we'll have more eyes at us

And having more eyes at us equals to earning more.

Ok, we now have all of them in our email list, what do we do now?

Jokes aside, that's the truth, we'll send emails

But not any type of emails.

The people that it's on our email list already trusted anough on us in order to give us their email address, so that means they trust in us, at least a little bit
What we'll do is to increase that trust

But... how?

Let's think about something, would you trust more in someone that the only thing that he wants is to sell you something

or someone that gives you free information and tries to help you?

I suppose that the answer is clear
So... we'll try to be that second type of peron

What we'll do is that we'll email our list with useful content for them

For example, if they signed up because they'd get a free twitter course, we know that they're interested in twitter growth, so we'll email about that
It MUST be useful info, but we need to add an extra touch: our personality.

Why would they read our emails if they can find the exact same info on a blog?

Exactly, because of the way we say it.

Here you have the formula 👇

Content + Personality = 💣
All this things are great, but you may be like "yeah, yeah, whatever, show me how to make the damn money"

So, I'll do that before you start threating me
Before we want to get the money, we need to have something to sell

2 option:

• Having your own product
• Affiliate marketing

Whichever option you choose, the way to do it is pretty much the same

We'll apply this 👇
Every 3 or 4 emails with high value we send, we'll send another mail where we sell something

And it's with that email where we'll make the moneiiiii

But don't misunderstand me, that sales email must contain valuable info too...
Inside that mail we'll provide a little bit of info, and then we'll offer the product

That's the right way to do it.
Another tip I can give you 👇

• Use proper subject lines for your emails, that'll the difference between not selling and selling thousands.

Don't use subject lines like: "The best product you can buy", "Unbelievable offer"
Appeal to people's curiosity and make them open the email.

Things like: "The way I skyrocketed my account." or "How I managed to grow more than the expected."

Remember that if they don't open the email first, you won't sell...
Well... here you have more than 50 tweets talking about how to turn your twitter profile from a time sucker machine to a money making machine

The graph we've been building along the thread would finally look like this 👇
Did you like the thread?

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If they answer to any of those question is yes, I'd REALLY appreciate if you retweet the first tweet so more people can read it

Thank you very much for taking the time to read this thread 🙏
You can follow @agustinthedev.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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