🕰️ 15 yrs condensed; My thought process on buying expired domains & developing online projects:


You essentially start with a domain name & reverse engineer.

Before I consider anything, I require the domain pass this first test:

🤝 Is there domain-founder fit? (ie. Do I have some level or interest or curiosity regarding the category/field the domain represents?)

If there is, I move forward. If not, I bail, regardless of revenue potential.

First filter:

✳️ Domain has to be .com. No alts (.co, .io, etc)
✳️ Domain passes radio test
✳️ Domain is exact match, descriptive
✳️ One or two words. I typically avoid 3 or more
✳️ No dashes or numbers in domain
✳️ I prefer a sales price below $50k


I typically consider [b2c products] or [b2b services], and shoehorn domains into those models.

1) If domain represents niche product, I consider selling online

Q's I ask myself:
❓Does product have strong $ margins?
❓Is there ample search volume online?

❓Are there limited product providers?
❓Is it manageable to ship?
❓Is there re-occurring revenue opportunity?
❓Can I build as a solo founder? Or build, then partner with subject matter expert?
❓If competitors, what are they doing right & wrong.

❓Is this a commodity item found on alibaba/aliexpress. If so, avoid.

All Qs not mandatory, but worth considering

I try to create/sell unique products. Product like these folks: @theoldtry; @Ugmonk; @Beardbrand

Build a moat, so to speak. Domain + unique product.
2) If domain represents business category, I consider B2B development where I drive leads. Oftentimes a curated directory/marketplace.

Q's I ask myself:
❓How large is the category universe (how many businesses in niche)
❓Is category growing or contracting? it healthy?

❓Do biz in category actively advertise? Billboards, magazines, radio, paid search, etc
❓Is there strong search volume online?
❓Are there competitors driving leads? If so, what do they charge?

❓Is there re-occurring revenue opportunity?

Folks who operate this model well: Glamping,com; PodcastGuests,com; BikeTours,com

My other alt category is job boards - - it follows similar Qs as b2b.

I don't analyze exit opportunities. I only analyze solving problems with great .com domain names, bootstrapped, built by solo founders with emphasis on purpose over profit.

To share examples: some domains I've bought over the years (via expiry) to develop:

DudeRanch .com (sold)
BearSpray .com (sold)
Ziplines .com (sold)
VidaliaOnions .com
BirthdayParties .com
CallTracking .com (sold)
MechanicJobs .com

To monitor expiring domain name opportunities for yourself, consider these marketplaces (where I hang out):
⚜️GoDaddy Auctions

Essentially, turn yourself into a mini-VC. Let expiring domains pitch themselves to you. Turn down 99.995% of them. Wait for the one. It's out there. Save $5k or more. Keep it handy for acquisition. Ignore naysayers who say .com doesn't matter. It does. And it's wonderful.
If you need some pointers on how to sift through the 50k-100k domains expiring every day, read my essay (updated in July 2020):

this thread was inspired by @sweatystartup and his insightful tweet here:

You can follow @searchbound.
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