I just read the authors note, introduction, and chapter 1 of @AbigailShrier's new book about #trans youth. I'll continue to update as I make progress, but here are the inaccuracies I've found so far.
First, according to the "author's note," Shrier did not interview any of the trans adolescents themselves for the book, only their parents. She changes story details so that the adolescents themselves will not be able to recognize themselves and point out any flaws in the stories
Shrier claims "in most cases-nearly 70%-gender dysphoria resolves." This is not true. The studies referenced used the old diagnosis of "gender identity disorder (GID)," not gender dysphoria. One can meet GID criteria and be cisgender; DSM-5 gender dysphoria diagnosis changed this
Shrier suggests that, due to contemporary social pressures, adolescents today can't come out as LGB and need to come out as trans instead. Nonsense, CDC YRBSS data shows far more adolescents identify as LGB than trans (10.5% vs 1.8%). Seems more reliable than her source: "Riley"
Re: the "most gender dysphoria resolves" point - a large proportion of the kids in those studies didn't even meet GID criteria. Also, they were all prepubertal children, not adolescents.
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