Allah in the Quran informs us that the people who did not forbid against sin were cursed. You’re doing something even worse. You’re DEFENDING them. This is worse than no action because it’s a negative action
The weakest level of faith is to change evil with your heart. If you’re defending evil, then you don’t even have the weakest level of faith
Public sinning and exposing your sins is detrimental to you and those around you
And many of you will make the argument that “Only God can judge me.” This concept does not exist in Islam

And this statement comes from a high position of arrogance

If human beings couldn’t pass judgment for transgressions, then the world will fall into chaos and evil
You are an incitement to evil in society and contributing to its moral and social disintegration by defending public sinning

Public sinning has dangerous implications. The more people who see it, the more normalized it will become

And the more people will follow through on it
You can’t say “it’s my life” or “it’s their life” when you post your sinning on a PUBLIC PLATFORM FOR THE WORLD TO SEE

Don’t be an idiot. If you do this there will be backlash 10/10 times

To think you can simply post your stupid acts and get away with it is delusional
If it’s really your life, then keep it to yourself. This argument of “it’s my life” can go both ways

It’s my life, so I will comment on your public sinning and advise you against it

And if it’s really that much of an issue, then go ahead and block me
But you won’t be able to block out Allah. Just remember that next time you decide to post your sins for the world to see

Knowing this, is this still something that you’re willing to continue on? Cause my judgment isn’t the scary one

Allah’s judgment is the scary one
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