how often each glee member would swear if swearing was allowed on the show more often
1. Santana

santana would swear every other sentence and drop the f bomb in every insult
2. Kurt

kurt would swear quite a lot but it would be tasteful. ‘let fuckin’ loose a little!’ or ‘thats tragic get your shit together’
3. Artie

artie would swear a lot but only because he thinks it makes him look cool. he’d probably insult people when hes mad
4. Finn

okay so this is where the order gets rocky because i think the next couple are tied but i think finn would swear occasionally, and when hes annoyed hed drop an f bomb or two
5. Sam

same as finn i think sam would swear when hes annoyed and i can definitely see him going ‘what the fuck artie im slut shaming you’
6. Brittney

brittney would swear occasionally but not as much as finn or sam. she might swear a little if she messes up but she doesnt think to most of the time
7. mr schue

okay so he should be higher butni only just thought to add him so hes gonna go here but i think he would loudly say fuck whenever he messes up he just would but it wouldnt be funny he would just be overly angry
8. Blaine

blaine wouldnt really swear all that much unless hes mad. i think when hes mad or really upset i think he might drop a couple swears but overall i dont think hed swear too much
9. Mercedes

mercedes would almost never swear. she’d be kind of against it however she would swear when shes really mad. like i think she would have sworn at the record label guy. but overall i dont think shed ever swear and would try not to
10. Quinn

season one quinn would be so anti swearing and shed never swear at all. skank quinn would swear more than santana and santana would have to tell her to chill. regular quinn would swear around the same amount as sam or finn, dropping the occasional f bomb if necessary
11. Rachel

rachel would never swear and she’d be so anti swearing. unlike mercedes, who just lets people live, rachel would yell at anyone who swore and give them a lecture on why they shouldn’t swear. shed think shes morally superior for not swearing
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