— why i want to win @adoreyoufishy's giveaway of walls signed cd. by @zainwalls
i tried to express a little of my love for louis and his work through this video and i still could say even more about him and what he means to me, but twitter only allows a 2:20 video. and i tried my best. that'd mean to much to me, ash. @adoreyoufishy
louis is an important part of me, i've gone through such a hard phase and when i felt like i had nobody, i always had him and his songs to give me comfort and the motivation i needed. @adoreyoufishy
and that's why i'd be so happy so win something signed by louis. that's all i could ask for, ash. two different people promised to give me a signed walls cd and gave me hope ages ago but then they never did. i'm still so sad for this. you have no idea how this'd mean to me.
thank you for the opportunity, you're the kindest soul in the world.
@adoreyoufishy ash, before you give the results, i'll try one more time to show you how important this is to me. i just would like you to read it. louis inspires me so much daily, he often brings me strength to keep going. and in the past, i've gone to really hard moments+
in my life when i thought i didn't have any reasons to stay, but louis gave me these reasons. i used to stay online 24/7 on twitter because louis was the only thing that could make me truly happy. i used to send him love tweets bc knowing that maybe he'd be happy+ @adoreyoufishy
with something i sent him, used to give me comfort too. i don't know what else to say to convince you that this'd mean the world to me, but having something touched and signed by louis, would mean SO much, i'd feel much closer to him. @adoreyoufishy
all i'd like to do is hugging louis and ask him myself to sign any peace of paper, or write me a tattoo of his lyrics who have helped more than i can explain (dlibyh, walls, fearless, through the dark) @adoreyoufishy
but i live so far away from him, i don't think i'll have any chance to meet him and ask him for this here in brazil. and i never had the money to buy the signed walls or anything from his merch. so, this would mean a lot, you have no idea. @adoreyoufishy
@adoreyoufishy btw, i'm @zainwalls. please, consider giving it to me. you'd be making a really big fan of louis the happiest.
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