idk how to deliver this in a coherent manner but the structure in the bg is a mosque
ppl might argue that not everything with a dome or a minaret is a mosque but you look into infrastructure that borrows from islamic architecture and you'll find that one dome and minaret is found mostly in mosques
the fanart is set in middle east and buildings with one dome and one minaret are found in tombs, mausoleums and masques
now i do not have to explain why this is offensive but i will in case i get comments like "it's just a building"
it's a common knowledge that mosques are religious places where muslims gather to pray. anything depicting or having a picture of a mosque should be taken care of. we don't throw away old calendars with mosques on them or let them collect dust here
you'd be castigated if your feet were to even face these, so using it as an aesthetic bg makes a lot of us uncomfortable
i request that starember take down the post and issue a sincere apology.
i didn't really proof read this so there's minor typos here and there, sorry
since this is being spread around again, this thread was made after asking many of my muslim friends opinions and we gathered what we thought about this fanart for our mutuals only bcs it made a lot of us uncomfortable
i did not mean to imply islam = arab and im not trying to speak for the entire muslim community. if you, a muslim, disagrees and are okay with it, that's fine with me. it was made for my mutuals only and we demanded an apology because it had offended my muslim friends
i do not want to cancel starember bcs i don't even read the tgcf manhua, this was only made for my mutuals bcs if they were going to follow me, then i wanted them to know that i wasn't comfortable with this particular fanart
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