This study tested how rhinovirus transmits. Briefly, ppl infected w/ rhinovirus played cards for 12 hours w/ uninfected ppl. Some of the uninfected were stopped from touching face. Rate of attack the same.

They then stopped all air exchange between the groups:

ZERO infected
In experiment D, the one in which they stopped air exchange between the groups, the people played cards in separate rooms.

They however OVERLY infected the cards, pens, pencils, etc. that the people used. Even though heavily infected, nobody caught a cold.
The authors described this last test as:
Let's focus on just one sentence. And let me say, I salute these volunteers.
The authors' conclusion is to consider controlling spread with "air-handling devices" (so, cc @jljcolorado @linseymarr @kprather88).
This followed up an earlier 1984 study by these same authors in which virucidal tissues used to smother coughs and sneezes stopped the transmission of rhinovirus. I haven't read that one yet.
Picture of the arm brace:
Picture of a collar that stopped volunteers from touching their faces:
And when conducting the "separate room" experiment D, they kept bringing in a "continuous supply" of freshly contaminated objects for the volunteers. Ick.

Just referencing this here.
Just a note. 2003 "The Common Cold". Lancet. Talking about colds and viruses that cause them.
Three routes. We know this.
1. Hand.
2. Little aerosols.
3. Big aerosols (droplets) and a "direct hit" (I like that phrase).

Says flu small aerosol, and rhino hand. Cites 2 studies as examples for rhino:
FN 34 for small aerosols (the one from this thread) and 35.
FN 35 is a study of mode of rhino.

It supports the "concept" that fomite effective. It's hard to show someone actually got infected through fomites. What the studies tend to show is how long virus lasts on surfaces, etc., and that can be transferred to fingertips.
But EVEN this study, which said "reasonable to speculate that natural rhinovirus spread occurs by the ... hand contact/self-inoculation route", went on to say they found high concentrations in saliva of certain ppl (super-spreaders) may account for disproportionate aerosol spread
*FNs are 35 and 36 as in the screenshot.
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