give me right to inherit, right to use my birth name after my marriage, right to demand any amount of money (Maher) before Nikah from my husband, gives me right to choose my spouse, gives me right to work, gives me right to use my money for myself (sorry akhis y'all can't :p)
forbids forced marriages,. forbids secret marriages or affairs, gives me right to raise my children in my way, give me right to make decisions for me myself and my children, encourage me to get education, encourage me to leave a toxic marriage , encourage me to marry again+
encourages family planning, gives men the responsibility to take care of households chores+ financial support, gives me right to name my children, gives me protection in the form of several guardians (Mehram) throughout my blood line, calls me Queen of the house.
Steven Convey says if one person is dependent on another in a relationship it isn't the ideal relationship, nor the "independent" relationships where neither depends on other the best are "interdependent" relationships where both depends on each other.
Women are more emotional beings, taking care of family, the way women do it, giving birth, maintaining homes, raising children, sometimes even juggling careers women are also emotionally invested in everything more than men. This is one of the reason they get depleted too! +
Physical strains of giving birth to children, emotional strain of raising children, spiritual strain in managing the household! Sometimes even financial constraints, sometimes working outside home as well constantly giving out to others, +
our love and attention and care, women often end up with empty love tanks way more than men! We talk about self love and filling our cups ourselves often, and it's important too!
Allah mentions in the Quran how Allah has provided us women, our spouses, our Qawwwam (comes from the root word QAM meaning to rise to straighten, to remain, to exist) people who help us get back to our feet, people who take care of our physical, emotional and spiritual needs+
it's not like we are damsel in distress who ALWAYS needs a man in shining armor to rescue us! It's like some days need to be rescued. More days because have a higher duty of building a nation, other days may have to help because he also has a big duty of raising our family!
Men and Women both have thr duties towards building a healthy relationship whether it's between husband and wife, father and daughter or brothers and sisters or just co-workers..
also Toxic Masculinity is Haram (Forbidden) in Islam. a men must always in every state of mind should approach women with respect and kindness and is allowed to cry, ask for help and rely on women 💜
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