I'm not a fan of many of the founders. They were terrible human beings. But I am a fan of some of their ideas. Patrick Henry declared: "we have done everything that could be done, to avert the storm which is now coming on." Can we say the same? I believe there is more we can do.
Get every last person you know ready to vote. Make sure they are registered. Help them if they need help. Work with them to devise a plan for successfully voting. Anticipate the likely obstacles. Make a plan for overcoming them. Then enlist them in proselytizing the apathetic.
Use this platform and every other platform you have to pound away at the idea that the civic -- and moral -- duty of every citizen is to vote. Get as many people as you can ready to go. Then, get more.

Find ways to volunteer to help make this a legitimate election.
Talk to your families about what living in a republic means to you. Figure out what you are willing to do to keep your republic. Figure out what you are willing to endure. Watch news reports coming out of Belarus and Hong Kong, and soak in the courage on your screen.
Buy supplies to prepare for a disruption. Buy masks. Make masks. Share masks. COVID-19 still has this country in its deadly grip. Buy cell phone chargers. Whatever else you think you would need for a massive, sustained peaceful demonstration. Get mentally ready for hardship.
Learn about your rights. Educate others about our rights. Check to make sure the forces of anti-democracy have not deregistered you to vote. Teach your friends, relatives and neighbors how to check. Teach them how to find their polling stations. Offer to drive them.
We can do these things now to prepare for what comes. This much we know: Trump has made chaos inevitable. For the first time in his decadent life, he's working hard -- at sowing doubt about the election. But there are more of us, and we can work to make this election legitimate.
So, yes, there's more we can be do before, like Patrick Henry, we will be able to say: "we have done everything that could be done, to avert the storm which is now coming on." It is our responsibility to get to that point so that we don't have to be like the brave Belarusians.
But, make no mistake about it, I believe with all my heart in the other thing Patrick Henry said too: "Give me liberty or give me death."

If we must be like the Belarusians, then like the Belarusians we will be.

Give me liberty or give me death.
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